दुष्टा भार्या शटं मित्रं भृत्यश्चोत्तरदायकः ।
ससर्पे च गृहे वासो मृत्युरेव न संशयः ॥ 836
Dushta bharya shatam mitram
bhrutyashchottaradayakah l
Sasarpe cha gruhe vaso
mrutyureva na samshayah ll
A wicked wife, a false
friend, a saucy servant and living
In a house with a snake
in it are nothing but death.
ज्योतिषं व्यवहारं च प्रायश्चित्तं चिकित्सितं ।
अजानन् यो नरो ब्रूयात् साहसं
किमतः परम् ॥ 837
Jyotisham vyavaharam cha
prayashchchittam chikitsitam l
Ajanan yo naro bruyaat
sahasam kimatah param ll
There is no felony greater than pretending to know astrology, be a judge, suggesting ways of redemption and practicing medicine without having enough knowledge.
गुणानामन्तरं प्रायस्तज्ञो वेत्ति न चापरः ।
मालतीमल्लिकामोदं घ्राणं वेत्ति
न लोचनम् ॥ 838
Gunanamantaram prayastajno
vetti na chaparah l
Malatimallikamodam ghranam
vetti na lochanam ll
Only a wise man can
appreciate good qualities, not every one.
Only the nose knows the
difference between jasmine and imitations, not the eyes.
श्रियः प्रदुग्धे विपदो रुणद्धि यशांसि सूते मलिनं प्रमार्ष्टि ।
संस्कारशौचेन परं पुनीते शुद्धा हि विद्या किल कामधेनुः ॥ 839
Shriyah pradugdhe vipado
runaddhi yashamsi sute malinam pramarshti |
Samskarashauchena param
punite shuddha hi vidya kila kamadhenuh ||
Makes the milk of riches flow, saves one from disaster, washes away dirt,
purifies all with tradition & cleanliness, education is like the wish-granting
अर्थेन भेषजं लभ्यमारोग्यं न कदाचन ।
ग्रन्थसंभारः ज्ञानं लभ्यं प्रयत्नतः ॥
bheshajam labhyamarogyam na kadachana l
granthasambharah jnanam labhyam prayatnatah ll
Money can
buy medicines but not health. Money can buy a stack of
books but not knowledge
which one can get only through efforts.
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