मरणान्ताश्च प्रणयाः कोपास्तत्क्षणभङ्गुराः ।
परित्यागाश्च निस्सङ्गा
भवन्ति हि महात्मनाम् ॥ 866
Maranantashcha pranayah kopastatkshanabhangurah
Parityagashcha nissanga
bhavanti hi mahatmanam ll
Love till the last breath, anger
lasting only for a second, giving
without expecting anything
in return are qualities in great men.
तिर्यगूर्ध्वमधः पूर्णं सच्चिदानन्दमद्वयम् ।
नित्यमेकं यत् तद्ब्रह्मेत्यवधारयेत् ॥ 867
purnam sachchidaanandamadvayam l
Anantam nityamekam yat
tadbrahmetyavadharayet ll
Realise that Brahman is
Bliss which is Non–Dual, Infinite, Eternal,
which fills all – above, below and all that exists
मृत्युकाले यथा मर्त्यो
विपरीतानि सेवते ।
मुमूर्षूणां हि सर्वेषां
यत्यथ्यं तन्न शोभते ॥ 868
Mrutyukale yatha martyo
viparitani sevate l
Mumurshunam hi sarvesham
yatpathyam tatra shobhate ll
Just as at the time of
death one chooses what is dangerous to one,
none who desires the end
counts on that which will save him.
मृगा मृगैः संगमनुब्रजन्ति गावश्च
गोभिस्तुरगस्तुरङ्गैः ।
मूर्खैः सुधियः सुधीभिः समानशीलव्यसनेषु सख्यं ॥ 869
Mriga mrigaih sangamanubrajanti
gavashcha gobhisturagasturangaih l
Murkhascha murkhaihh sudhiyah sudhibhih samanshilavyasaneshu
sakhyam ll
Deers roam in the company
of deers, cows with other cows, and horses with other horses. Foolish persons
remain in the company of foolish persons and educated persons in the company of
educated persons.
एतावज्जन्मसाफल्यं देहिनामिह देहिषु ।
वाचा श्रेय एवाचरेत्सदा ॥ 870
Etavat janma saphalyam dehinam iha deheshu
arthaih dhiya vacha shreya evacharet sada ॥
There is only one way to be
satisfied in life. Make use of
your life, wealth, wisdom and words to help others succeed.
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