Wednesday, 28 April 2021

 अजातमृतमूर्खेभ्यो मृताजातौ सुतौ वरम्।

यतस्तौ स्वल्पदुःखाय यावज्जीवं जडो दहेत्॥ 901


Ajatamrutamurkhebhyo mrutajatau sutau varam I

Yatasto svalpadukhaya  yavajjivam jado dahet II


Among the unborn, dead or idiotic sons, the unborn and the dead are better.

They cause some sadness but the idiotic son burns one throughout life,


प्रायेण श्रीमतां लोके भोक्तुं शक्तिर्न विद्यते ।

काष्ठान्यपि हि जीर्यन्ते दरिद्राणानां च सर्वशः ॥ 902


Prayena shrimatam loke bhoktum shaktirna vidyate I

Kashttanyapi hi jiryante daridranam cha sarvashah II


It is common in this world that the rich show no appetite

while the poor can digest fully even if they eat wood.


सुधास्वादनवेलायां बहवः सन्ति देवताः ।

कालकूटे समायाते शेषः शेषविभूषणः ॥ 903


Sudhasvadanavelayam bahavah santi devatah I

Kalakute samayate sheshah sheshavibhushanah II


At the time of drinking nectar, a lot of deities are present.

But when the deadly poison appears only Shiva is left.


द्विविधो जायते व्याधिः शरीरो मानसस्तथा ।

परस्परं तयोर्जन्म निर्द्वन्द्वं नोपलभ्यते ॥ 904


Dvividho jayate vyadhih shariro manasastatha I

Parasparam tayorjanma nirdvandvam nopalabhyate II


There are two kinds of diseases, physical and mental.

They originate from each other and do not occur independently.


भवत्येकसले जन्म गंधस्तेषां पृथक् पृथक् ।
उत्पलस्य मृणालस्य मत्स्यस्य कुमुदस्य च ॥ 905


Bhavati ekasale janma gandhah tesham pruthak pruthak

Utpalasya mrunalasya matsyasya kumudasya cha  


Even though all are born in the same pond they smell different.

Blue lotus, red lotus, water lily and fish are innately different.

Friday, 23 April 2021

 मनसेह मनोज्ञाय धारासंसरणे रभः

भरणे रससंराधा यज्ञा नो महसे नमः 896


Manaseha manojnaaya dhararasarane rabhah

Bharane rasasamradha yajna no mahase namah


In this world praise be to the beautiful aura of brilliance. We are traveling zestfully towards the higher goal and the Yajna done for that is a greatly joyful.


दुर्जनैरुच्यमानानि संमतानि प्रियाण्यपि

अकाल कुसुमानीव भयं संजनयंति हि 897


Durjanairuchyamanani sammatani priyanyapi I

Akala kusumaniva bhayam samjanayanti hi II


Pleasant words uttered by wicked people generate fear

in wise men, like flowers blossoming out of season.


परपरिवादनमूकाः परदारनिरीक्षणेषु जात्यन्धाः ।

ये पररहस्यबधिरास्ते पुरुषा देवतासदृशाः ॥ 898


Paraparivadanamukah paradaranirikshaneshu jatyandhah I

Ye pararahsyabadhiraste purusha devatasadrushah II


People who are dumb when it comes to talking ill of others, are blind when it

comes to looking at others’ wives, are deaf to secrets of others are equal to Gods.


यो ध्रुवाणि परित्यज्य अध्रुवं परिषेचते ।

ध्रुवाणि तस्य नश्यन्ति चाध्रुवं नष्टमेव हि ॥ 899


Yo dhruvani parityajya adhruvam parishechate I

Dhruvani tasya nashyanti chadhruvam nashtameva hi II


One giving up the imperishable and going after the perishable,

loses the imperishable and the perishable will anyway be lost.


वीरः सुधीः सुविद्यश्च पुरुषः पुरुषार्थवान् ।

तदन्ये पुरुषाकाराः पशवः पुच्छवर्जिताः ॥ 900


Virah sudhih suvidyashcha purushah purusharthavan I

Tadanye purushakarah pashavah puchchhavarjitah II


 The one who is brave, intelligent, well-educated and has set goals

is indeed a true human. Others are animals without tails in human form.

Sunday, 18 April 2021

 इह वैकस्य नामुन्न अमुन्नैकस्य नो इह ।

इह वाऽमुन्न चैकस्य नामुन्नैकस्य नो इह ॥ 891


Iha vaikasya namunna amunnaikasya no iha

Iha va amunna chiakasya namunnaikasya no iha


Some reap the benefit of actions in this world but not in the next. Some reap it in the next and not in this world. Some do not attain it in this or the next world.


एकं हन्यान्न वा हन्यादिषुः क्षिप्तो धनुष्मता ।

प्राज्ञेन तु मतिः क्षिप्ता हन्याद्गर्भगतानपि ॥ 892


Ekam hanyanna va hanyadishuh kshipto dhanushmata
Prajnena tu matih kshipta hanyadgarbhagatanapi

The arrow shot by an archer may or may not kill a single person but skilful

intrigue devised by intelligent men can kill even those who are in the womb.


यदि सन्ति गुणाः पुंसां विकसन्त्येव ते स्वयम् ।

नहि कस्तूरिकामोदः शपथेन विभाव्यते ॥ 893


Yadi santi gunah pumsam vihasantyeva te svayam

Nahi kasturikamodah shapathena vibhavyate


If there are virtues in a person, they get expressed by themselves.

The aroma of the Kasturi herb cannot be hidden by oath.


छिन्नोऽपि रोहति तरुः क्षीणोऽप्युपचीयते चंद्रः ।

इति विमृशंतः सन्तः संतप्यन्ते न विप्लुता लोके ॥ 894


Chchinno api rohati taruh kshino api upachiyate chandrah

Iti vimrushantah santah santapyante na vipluta loke


A tree grows even after being cut. The moon grows back after waning.

Noblemen analyse and realize the impermanence and will not despair.


विद्याविनयसंपन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि ।

शुनि चैव श्वापके च पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः ॥ 895


Vidyavinayasampanne brahmane gavi hastini

Shuni chaiva cha panditah samadarshinah


One who is learned and cultured, whether a brahmin, cow, elephant,

dog or an outcaste is treated equally by learned people.


Tuesday, 13 April 2021

 आहार निद्रा भय मैथुनं च समानमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणाम् ।

धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानः ॥ 886


Ahara nidra bhaya maithunam cha samanametatpashirnaranam

Dharmo hi teshamadhiko vishesho dharmena hinah pashubhih samanah


Food, sleep, fear and sex are qualities common to humans and beasts. Dharma is the differing quality, one who does not follow it is equaivalent to a beast.


प्राप्तव्यमर्थं लभते मनुष्यॊ देवोऽपि तं लङ्घयितुं न शक्तः ।

तस्मान्न शोचामि न विस्मयो मे यदस्मदीयं न हि तत्परेषाम् ॥ 887


Praptavyartham labhate manushyo devo api tam langhayitum na shaktah

Tasmanna shochami na vismayo me yadasmadiyam na hi tatparesham


A man gets wealth that is due to him and even Gods cannot take it away.

Therefore I do not think or wonder that whatever is mine ie mine not someone else’s.


अनाद्यन्ता तु सा तृष्णा अन्तर्देहगता नृणाम्

विनाशयति संभूता अयोनिज इवानल: 888


Anadyanta tu sa trushnah antardehagatā nrunam
Vinashayati saṃbhutā ayonija ivanalah

Greed, residing in the body without beginning or end,

destroys men like fire which grows on its own.


मातेव रक्षति पितेव हिते नियुङ्क्ते कान्तेव चाभिरामयत्यपनीय दुःखम् ।
कीर्तिं च दिक्षु वितनोति तनोति लक्ष्मीम् किं किं न साधयति कल्पलतेव विद्या ॥ 889

Mateva rakshati piteva hite niyunkte kanteva chabhiramayatyapanīya duḥkham
Kirtiṃ ca dikshu vitanoti tanoti lakshmīm kiṃ kiṃ na sadhayati kalpalateva vidya

Like a mother it protects. Like a father it leads to goodness. Like a lover it delights, having dispelled misery. It spreads renown in all directions and increases fortune.
What can it not accomplish? Knowledge is like a wish-fullfilling herb


न तु अहं कामये राज्यं न स्वर्गं नापुनर्भवम्

कामये दु:खतप्तानां प्राणिनाम् आर्तिनाशनम् 890 


Na tu aham kamaye rajyam na svargam napunarbhavam

Kamaye dukhhataptanam praninam artinashanam


I do not desire kingdom, nor the heaven nor liberation. I have only one

desire and that is to remove the misery of all the living beings who are suffering.