Friday, 30 July 2021

 एको देवः सर्वभूतेषु गूढः सर्वव्यापी सर्वभूतान्तरात्मा।

कर्माध्यक्षः सर्वभूताधिवासः साक्षी चेता केवलो निर्गुणश्च ॥ 991

Eko devah sarvabhuteshu gudhah sarvavyapi sarvabhutantaratma
Karmadhyakshah sarvabhutadhivasah sakshi ceta kevalo nirguṇashcha

He is the One God who is hidden in all beings, all pervasive, the soul of all.

He presides over all actions, witnesses everything, is aware without attributes.


यस्य षष्ठी चतुर्थी च विहस्य च विहाय च।

यस्याहं च द्वितीया स्यात् द्वितीया स्यामहं कथम्992


Yasya shasti chaturthi cha vihasya cha vihaya cha

Yasyaham cha dvitiya syat dvitiya syamaham katham


Whose Vihasya is Shasti and Vihaya is chaturthi(both indeclinable).

Aham is the dvitiya of I, how can I become his dvitiya(wife)?


गुणाः गुणज्ञेषु गुणाः भवन्ति ते निर्गुणं प्राप्य भवन्ति दोषाः ।

आस्वाद्य तोयाः प्रवहन्ति नद्यः समुद्रमासाद्य भवत्यपेयाः ॥ 993


Gunah gunjneshu gunah bhavanti te nirgunam prapya bhavanti doshah

Asvadya toyah pravahanti nadyah samudramasadya bhavatyapeyah


Virtues remain intact with virtuous persons, but in contact with evil ones they become defects. When sweet water in rivers flows to the ocean, it becomes brackish in contact with seawater.


अतिलोभात्कुबेरोऽपि दरिद्रो निश्चितं भवेत् ।

मितव्ययात् दरिद्रोऽपि निश्चितं धनवान् भवेत् ॥ 994


Atilobhatkubero api daridro nishchitam bhavet

Mitavyayat daridro api nishchitam dhanavan bhavet


With excessive greed even Kubera will become a poor man.

By spending less even a poor man will become rich.


अकस्मादेव कुप्यन्ति प्रसीदन्त्यनिमित्ततः ।

शीलमेतदसाधुनामभ्रं पारिप्लवं यथा ॥ 995 


Akasmadeva kupyanti prasidantyanimittatah

Shilametadasadhunamabhramam pariplavam yatha


Mean people become suddenely angry and are pleased without reason.

By nature they are unpredictable like the movement of clouds.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

 दर्शने स्पर्शने वाऽपि श्रवणे भाषणेऽपि वा ।

यत्र द्रवत्यन्तरङ्गं स स्नेह इति कथ्यते ॥ 986


Darshane sparshane va api shravane bhashane api va

Yatra dravyantarangam sa sneha ity kathyate


If the heart melts on seeing, touching, listening and

speaking, it is called affectionate friendship.


परोक्षे कार्यहन्तारं प्रत्यक्षे प्रियवादिनम् ।

वर्जयेतादृशं मित्रं विषकुम्भं पयोमुखम् ॥ 987


Parokshe karyahantaram pratyakshe priyavadinam

Varjayetadrusham mitram vishakumbham payomukham


Abandon that friend who spoils your work behind your back and

talks sweetly in front like a pot filled with poison with milk on top.


कश्चित् कस्यचिन्मित्रं न कश्चित् कस्यचित् रिपु:।

अर्थतस्तु निबध्यन्ते मित्राणि रिपवस्तथा ॥ 988


Kashchit kasyachinmitram na kashchit kasyachit ripuh

Arthatastu nibadhyante mitrani ripavastatha



No one is anyone's friend nor enemy. People become

friends or foes when working towards goals.


धीरस्सदा रचयते हि परोपकारं वाक्यं कठोरमपि तस्य दयार्द्रगर्भम् ।

निर्वान्ततोयनिहैर्जलदैर्विसृष्टा वर्षोपला दधति शीतलवारिगर्भम् ॥ 989


Dhirassada rachayte hi paropakaram vakyam katthoramapi tasya dayardragarbham

Nirvantayoyanihairjaladairvisrushta varshopala dadhati shitalavarigarbham


A brave one always does good to others, his words, though harsh are filled with kindness,

Hailstones showered by clouds after rains have in them water that is cool.


कः प्रसूते पुरोवातं कः प्रेरयति वारिदम् ।

प्राप्ते तु श्रावणे मासि भवत्येकावर्णवं जगत् ॥

कालः करोति कार्यं कार्याणि काल एव निहन्ति च ।

करोमीति निहन्मीति मूर्खो मुह्यति केवलम् ॥ 990 


Kah prasute purovatam kah prerayati varidam

Prapte tu shravane masi bhavtyekavarnavam jagat

Kalah karoti karyam karyani kala eva nihanti cha

Karomiti nihanmiti murkho muhyati kevalam

Who produces the forewind, who impels the clouds?

When Shravana month comes, the whole world is like an ocean.

It is time that does things or sets them at naught. It is the fool’s

delusion that he does the acts and he sets things at naught.


Tuesday, 20 July 2021

 विना कार्येण ये मूढाः गच्छन्ति पर मन्दिरम् ।

अवश्यं लघुता यान्ति कृष्णपक्षे यथा शशि ॥ 981 


Vina karyena ye muddhah gachchanti para mandiram

Avashyam laghuta yanti krushnapakshe yatha shashi


Idiots visit other people’s homes without any reason.

They look insignificant like the moon in the waning period.


आकारैरिङ्गितैः गत्या चेष्टया भाषितेन च ।

नेत्र वक्त्र विकारैश्च गृह्यतेऽन्तर्गतं मनः ॥ 982


Akarairingitaih gatya cheshtya bhashitena cha

Netra vaktra vikaraishcha gruhyate antargatam manah


One can understand what is going on in someone’s mind through that person’s

stature, gestures, movements, speech and transformations in eyes and face.


अनुगन्तुं सतां वर्त्म कृत्स्नं यदि न शक्यते ।

स्वल्पमप्यनुगन्तव्यं मार्गस्थो नावसीदति 983

anugantuṃ satāṃ vartma kṛtsnaṃ yadi na śakyate
svalpamapyanugantavyaṃ mārgastho nāvasīdati


Even though it may not be possible to follow the whole path trodden by good men,

follow at least a short distance as one will not come to grief on such a path.


वृक्षं क्षीणफलं त्यजन्ति विहगाः शुष्कं सरः सरसा निर्द्रव्यं पुरुषं त्यजन्ति ललना भ्रष्टं नृपं मन्त्रिणा ।

पुष्पं पर्युषितं त्यजन्ति मधुपा दग्धं वनान्तं मृगाः सर्वः कार्यवशाज्जनोऽभिरमते कः कस्य को वल्लभः ॥984


Vruksham kshinaphalam tyajanti vihagah shushkam sarah sarasa

nirdravyam purusham tyajanti lalana bhrashtam nrupam mantrina

pushpam paryushitam tyajanti madhupa dagdham vanantam mrugah

sarvah karyavashajjano abhiramate kah kasya ko vallabhah


Birds desert a tree without fruits, cranes a dry pond, women desert men

without money, ministers a corrupt king, bees desert a stale flower,

deer desert a burnt forest, everyone loves for self interest, who belongs to whom, who loves whom?


चिन्तया जायते दुःखं नान्यथेहेति निश्चयी।

तया हीनः सुखी शान्तः सर्वत्र गलितस्पृहः॥ 985


Chintaya jayate dukham nanyatheheti nishchayi

Tatha hinah sukhi shantah sarvatra galitaspruhah


Sadness is born out of worry and not for any other reason.

One without worry will be happy, peaceful and devoid of desires.

Monday, 12 July 2021

 अगूढविभवा यस्य पौरा राष्ट्रनिवासिन: ।

नयापनयवेत्ता य: स राजा राजसत्तम: 976 

Agudhavibhava yasya paura rashtranivasinah
Nayapanayavetta yah sa raja rajasattamah


That king is the best of kings in whose kingdom the citizens have no

need to conceal their wealth and who understand well what is right and wrong. 


प्रियवाक्य प्रदानेन सर्वे तुष्यन्ति जन्तवः ।

तस्मात्तदेव वक्तव्यं वचने का दर्दिद्रता ॥ 977 


Priyavakya pradanena sarve tushyanti jantavah

Tasmattadeva vaktavyam vachana ka daridrata


All beings are pleased when sweet words are uttered.

Speak only sweet words, where is the poverty in words?


इन्द्रियाणि पुरा जित्वा जितन् त्रिभुवनं त्वया ।

स्मरद्भिरिव तद्वैरमिन्द्रियैरेव निर्जितः ॥ 978


Indriyani pura jitva jitan tribhuvanam tvaya

Smaradbhiriva tadvairamindriyaireva nirjitah


In the past, by conquering your senses, you conquered the three worlds.

Now, as if to avenge that enmity, those very senses conquered you.

(Mandodari to Ravana as he was dying)




धन्या महीरुहाः येषां विमुखं यान्ति नार्थिनः 979



Dhanya mahiruhah yesham vimukham yanti narthinah


Blessed are the trees which provide flowers, leaves, fruit, shade,

roots, bark and wood. No one desiring these are returned by the trees.


संहत्या हि समेधन्ते राष्ट्राणि सुलघून्यपि

विपर्यये विनश्यन्ति हा हन्त सुमहान्यपि 980


Samhatya hi samedhante rashtrani sulaghunyapi

Viparyaye vinashyanti ha hanta sumahanyapi


By union, the smallest states thrive. By discord, the greatest are destroyed.