Sunday, 25 July 2021

 दर्शने स्पर्शने वाऽपि श्रवणे भाषणेऽपि वा ।

यत्र द्रवत्यन्तरङ्गं स स्नेह इति कथ्यते ॥ 986


Darshane sparshane va api shravane bhashane api va

Yatra dravyantarangam sa sneha ity kathyate


If the heart melts on seeing, touching, listening and

speaking, it is called affectionate friendship.


परोक्षे कार्यहन्तारं प्रत्यक्षे प्रियवादिनम् ।

वर्जयेतादृशं मित्रं विषकुम्भं पयोमुखम् ॥ 987


Parokshe karyahantaram pratyakshe priyavadinam

Varjayetadrusham mitram vishakumbham payomukham


Abandon that friend who spoils your work behind your back and

talks sweetly in front like a pot filled with poison with milk on top.


कश्चित् कस्यचिन्मित्रं न कश्चित् कस्यचित् रिपु:।

अर्थतस्तु निबध्यन्ते मित्राणि रिपवस्तथा ॥ 988


Kashchit kasyachinmitram na kashchit kasyachit ripuh

Arthatastu nibadhyante mitrani ripavastatha



No one is anyone's friend nor enemy. People become

friends or foes when working towards goals.


धीरस्सदा रचयते हि परोपकारं वाक्यं कठोरमपि तस्य दयार्द्रगर्भम् ।

निर्वान्ततोयनिहैर्जलदैर्विसृष्टा वर्षोपला दधति शीतलवारिगर्भम् ॥ 989


Dhirassada rachayte hi paropakaram vakyam katthoramapi tasya dayardragarbham

Nirvantayoyanihairjaladairvisrushta varshopala dadhati shitalavarigarbham


A brave one always does good to others, his words, though harsh are filled with kindness,

Hailstones showered by clouds after rains have in them water that is cool.


कः प्रसूते पुरोवातं कः प्रेरयति वारिदम् ।

प्राप्ते तु श्रावणे मासि भवत्येकावर्णवं जगत् ॥

कालः करोति कार्यं कार्याणि काल एव निहन्ति च ।

करोमीति निहन्मीति मूर्खो मुह्यति केवलम् ॥ 990 


Kah prasute purovatam kah prerayati varidam

Prapte tu shravane masi bhavtyekavarnavam jagat

Kalah karoti karyam karyani kala eva nihanti cha

Karomiti nihanmiti murkho muhyati kevalam

Who produces the forewind, who impels the clouds?

When Shravana month comes, the whole world is like an ocean.

It is time that does things or sets them at naught. It is the fool’s

delusion that he does the acts and he sets things at naught.


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