Sunday, 29 August 2021

अर्थातुराणां न सुखं न निद्रा कामातुराणां न भयं न लज्जा ।

विद्यातुराणां न सुखं न निद्रा क्षुधातुराणां न रुचि न बेला ॥ 1021


Arthaturanam na sukham na nidra kamaturanam na bhayam na lajja

Vidyaturanam na sukham na nidra kshudhaturanam na ruchi na bela


Those eager for money have no happiness or sleep, those with desires have no fear or shame, those seeking knowledge have no happiness or sleep, those who are hungry have no taste or timidity.


कुसुमं वर्णसंपन्नगन्धहीनं न शोभते ।
न शोभते क्रियाहीनं मधुरं वचनं तथा ॥ 1022


Kusumam varnasampannagandhahinam na shobhate

Na shobhate kriyahinam madhuram vachanam tatha

A flower though colourful but without any scent does not shine.

One who talks sweetly but does not work also does not shine.


चन्दनं शीतलं लोके चन्दनादपि चन्द्रमाः ।
चन्द्रचन्दनयोर्मध्ये शीतला साधुसंगतः ॥ 1023


Chandanam sheetalam loke chandanadapi chandramah

Chandrachandanayormadhye sheetala sadhusangatah

Sandal paste is soothing, even more soothing is moonlight. More soothing

than sandal paste and moonlight is the company of good people.


उभयोर्नास्ति भोगेच्छा परार्थं धनसञ्चयः ।

कृपणोदारयोः पश्य तथापि महदन्तरम् ॥ 1024


Ubhayornasti bhogechcha parartham dhanasanchayah

Krupanodarayoh pashya tathapi mahadantaram


Neither has the wish to indulge desires, both earn wealth for others.

Yet, see the great difference between a miser and a charitable person.


आजन्म मरणांतंच गंगादि तटिनीस्थितः ।

कूप मंडूक प्रमुखाः यॊगिनस्तॆ भवंति किं ॥ 1025


Ajanma maranantamcha gangadi thatinisthitha

Kupa manduka pramukhah yoginaste bhavanthi kim


Frogs, fish and such live in river Ganga from birth

until death. Do they become yogis?

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

 दुर्जनः परिहर्तव्यो विद्ययालङ्कृतोपि सन् ।

मणिना भूषितः सर्पः किमसौ न भयंकरः 1016


Durjanah parihartavyo vidyayalankruto api san

Mi phataanina bhushitah sarpah kimasau na bhayankarah


Keep away from evil people even if they are well educated.

A snake adorned with a jewej is no less dangerous.


निर्विषेणापि सर्पेण कर्तव्या महती फटा ।

विषं भवतु मा वास्तु फटाटोपो भयङ्करः ॥ 1017


Nirveshanapi sarpena kartavya mahati phata

Visham bhavatu ma vastu phatatopo bhayankarah


Even a non-poisonous snake should display a hood.

Poison or no poison, a large hood creates a scare.


शुरोऽसि कृतविद्योऽसि दर्शनीयोऽसि पुत्रक ।

यस्मिन्कुले त्वमुत्पन्नो गजस्तत्र न हन्यन्ते ॥ 1018


Shuro asi krutavidyo asi darshaniyo asi potraka

Yasminkule tvamutpanno gajastatra na hanyate


My son, you are brave, educated and good looking.

But in the family that you were produced, elephants are not killed.

(A king tells a potter who wants to join the army and fight)


विवादो धनसम्बन्धो याचनं चातिभाषणम् ।

आदानमग्रतः स्थानं मैत्रीभङ्गस्य हेतवः ॥ 1019


Vivado dhanasambandho yachanam chatibhasganam

Adanamagratah sthanam maitribhangasya hetavah


Quarrel, financial relations, begging, excessive talking,

borrowing, competitiveness are the reasons that break friendships.


माता मित्रं पिता चेति स्वभावात् त्रतयं हितम् ।
कार्यकारणतश्चान्ये भवन्ति हितबुद्धयः ॥ 1020


Mata mitram pita cheti svabhavat trayam hitam

Karyakaranatashchanye bhavanti hitabuddhayah


Mother, Friend and Father - these three by nature do good to you.

Anybody else being nice to you is always for their own benefit.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

 यः सुन्दरस्तद्वनिता कुरूपा या सुन्दरी सा पतिरूपहीना ।

यत्रोभयं तत्र दरिद्रता च विधेर्विचित्राणि विचेष्टितानि ॥ 1011


Yah sundarastdvanita kurupa ya sundari sa patirupahina

Yatrobhayam tatra daridrata cha vidhorvichitrani vicheshtitani


A handsome man’s wife may be ugly or the husband of a beautiful woman ugly.

If both are good looking, they may be poor. Strange are the ways of destiny.



प्रहस्य मणिमुद्धरेन्मकरवक्रदंष्ट्रान्तरात् समुद्रमपि सन्तरेत्प्रचलदूर्मिमालाकुलम् ।

भुजङ्गमपि कोपितं शिरसि पुष्पवद्धारयेन्न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत् ॥ 1012


Prahasya manimuddharenmakarakradamshtantarat samudramapi santaretprachaladurmilakulam

Bhujangamapi kopitam shirasi pushpavaddharayenna tu pratinivishtamurkhajanacittamaradhayet


With effort we can remove pearls stuck in a crocodile’s teeth, we can swim across the sea of great waves, we can wear the angry snake like a garland of flowers, but it is impossible to explain the right thing to a fool.



जाड्यं धियो हरति सिञ्चति वाचि सत्यम् मानोन्नतिं दिशति पापमपाकरोति ।
चेतः प्रसादयति दिक्षु तनोति कीर्तिं सत्सङ्गतिः कथय किं न करोति पुंसाम् ॥ 1013

Jadyam dhiyo harati sinchati vachi satyam manonnatim dishati papamapakaroti

Chetah prasadayti dikshu tanoti kirtim satsangatih kathaya na karoti pumsam


It removes inertia of the mind, fosters truthfulness, leads to enhancement of dignity and prestige, expiates sins, pleases the mind and pervades fame in all directions. Is there anything that the company of virtuous people doesn't achieve?


यदाचरित कल्याणि शुभं वा यदि वाऽशुभम् ।

तदेव लभते भद्रे कर्त्ता कर्मजमात्मनः ॥ 1014


Yadacharita kalyani shubham va yadi va ashubham

Tadeva labhate bhadre kartta karmajatmanah


Whatever good or bad deed a man does, he receives either

good or bad in return. The doer has to bear the fruits of his deeds.


द्वौ अम्भसि निवेष्टव्यौ गले बद्ध्वा दृढां शिलाम् ।
धनवन्तं अदातारं दरिद्रं च अतपस्विनम् ॥ 1015


Dvau ambhasi niveshtavyau gale baddhva druddham shilam |

Dhanavantam adatataram daridram cha atapastitam ||


There are two kinds of people that deserve to be pushed into deep seas with a heavy stone tied to them - the wealthy who do not do charity and the poor who do not work ha

Sunday, 15 August 2021

 विशमो हि यथा नक्रः सलिलान्निर्गतोऽवशः ।

वनाद्विनिर्गतः शूरः सिंहोऽपि स्याच्छृगालवत् ॥ 1006


Vishamo hi yatha nakrah salilannirgato avashah

Vanadvinirgatah shurah simho api syachchrugalavat


Like a dangerous crocodile which becomes helpless out of water,

a lion will be like a jackal when out of the forest.


विप्रयोर्विप्रवह्न्योश्च दम्पत्योः स्वामिभृत्ययोः ।

अन्तरेण न गन्तव्यं हलस्य वृषभस्य च ॥ 1007  


Vipravorvipravahnyoshcha dampatyoh svamibhrutyayoh

Anatarena na gantavyam halasya vrushabhasya cha


Never go between two scholars and the sacred fire, husband

and wife, master and servant, a plough and the bull.


न तथेच्छन्ति कल्याणान् परेषां वेदितुं गुणान्

यथैषां ज्ञातुमिच्छन्ति नैर्गुण्यं पापचेतसः 1008


Na tayechchanti kalyanan paresham veditum gunan

Yathaisham jnatumichchanti nairgunyam papachetasa


Evil minded persons do not wish to know about others’ good

qualities as much as they wish to know about their evil qualities.

अहो गुणानां प्राप्यर्थं यतन्ते बहुदा नराः ।

मुक्ता यदर्थं भग्नास्तायाः इतरेषां च का कथा ॥ 1009 


Aho gunanam prapyartham yatante bahuda narah

Mukta yadartham bhgnastayah itaresham cha ka katha


People strive very hard to achieve good qualities. Even pearls

are found after breaking open shells, let alone other beads.


पितृभिस्ताडितः पुत्रः शिष्यस्तु गुरुशिक्षितः ।

घनाहतं सुवर्णञ्च प्राप्यते जनमण्डनम् ॥ 1010


Pitrubhistaditah putrah shishyastu gurushikshitah

Ghanahatam suvarnancha prapyate janamandanam


A son disciplined by his parents, students trained by a teacher,

Well beaten gold will all gain praise of people.