Tuesday, 24 August 2021

 दुर्जनः परिहर्तव्यो विद्ययालङ्कृतोपि सन् ।

मणिना भूषितः सर्पः किमसौ न भयंकरः 1016


Durjanah parihartavyo vidyayalankruto api san

Mi phataanina bhushitah sarpah kimasau na bhayankarah


Keep away from evil people even if they are well educated.

A snake adorned with a jewej is no less dangerous.


निर्विषेणापि सर्पेण कर्तव्या महती फटा ।

विषं भवतु मा वास्तु फटाटोपो भयङ्करः ॥ 1017


Nirveshanapi sarpena kartavya mahati phata

Visham bhavatu ma vastu phatatopo bhayankarah


Even a non-poisonous snake should display a hood.

Poison or no poison, a large hood creates a scare.


शुरोऽसि कृतविद्योऽसि दर्शनीयोऽसि पुत्रक ।

यस्मिन्कुले त्वमुत्पन्नो गजस्तत्र न हन्यन्ते ॥ 1018


Shuro asi krutavidyo asi darshaniyo asi potraka

Yasminkule tvamutpanno gajastatra na hanyate


My son, you are brave, educated and good looking.

But in the family that you were produced, elephants are not killed.

(A king tells a potter who wants to join the army and fight)


विवादो धनसम्बन्धो याचनं चातिभाषणम् ।

आदानमग्रतः स्थानं मैत्रीभङ्गस्य हेतवः ॥ 1019


Vivado dhanasambandho yachanam chatibhasganam

Adanamagratah sthanam maitribhangasya hetavah


Quarrel, financial relations, begging, excessive talking,

borrowing, competitiveness are the reasons that break friendships.


माता मित्रं पिता चेति स्वभावात् त्रतयं हितम् ।
कार्यकारणतश्चान्ये भवन्ति हितबुद्धयः ॥ 1020


Mata mitram pita cheti svabhavat trayam hitam

Karyakaranatashchanye bhavanti hitabuddhayah


Mother, Friend and Father - these three by nature do good to you.

Anybody else being nice to you is always for their own benefit.

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