Sunday, 28 November 2021

 र्थं सर्वशास्त्राणि विहितानि मनीषिभिः ।

स एव सर्वशास्त्रज्ञः यस्य शांतं मनः सदा ॥ 1111


Shamartham sarvashastrani vihitani manishibhih
Sa eva sarva shastrajnah yasya shantam manah sada


All scriptures are written with the intention of helping one find inner peace.One who has inner tranquility always can be called a scholar who knows scriptures.


लालनाद्बहवो दोषाः ताडने बहवो गुणाः ।
तस्मात्पुत्रं च शिष्यं च ताडयेन्न तु लालयेत् ॥ 1112


Lalanadbahavo doshah tadane bahavo gunah

Tasmatputram cha shishyam cha tadayenna tu lalayet


Pampering leads to many defcts, whereas hitting one results in some good things. One should discipline one’s child or student without hitting or pampering.


दण्डन्यासपरं दानं कामत्यागस्तपस्मृतम् 
स्वभावविजयशौर्यं सत्यं  समदर्शनम् 1113


Dandanyasah param danam kamatyagastapah smrutam

Svabhavavijayah shauryam satyam cha samadarshanam


Giving up all aggression is the greatest charity and renunciation of lust is real penance. Overcoming one’s emotions is real heroism and practicing truth is seeing Godhead everywhere.


अरूष्यन् क्रुश्यमानस्य सुकृतं नाम विन्दति ।

दुष्कृतं चात्मनो मर्षी रूष्यतेवापमार्ष्टि वै 1114


Arushyan krushyamanasya sukrutam nama vindati
Dushkrutam chatmano marshi rūshyatevapamarshti vai

If a person, when abused by another, does not yield to wrath, he is then sure

to take away the merit of all good deeds that have been done by the abuser.


वितरति यावद्दाता तावत्सकलोऽपि भवति कलभाषी

विरते पयसि घनेभ्यः शाम्यन्ति शिखण्डिनां ध्वनयः 1115


Vitarati yavaddata tavatsakalo api bhavati kalabhashi

Virate payasi ghanebhyah shamyanti shikhandinam dhvanayah



So long as a person is donating, everyone speaks about him with

pleasant voice. The cry of peacocks stops when the clouds stop raining.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

 सम्पदि यस्य न हर्षो विपदि विषादो रणे न भीरुत्वम् 

तं भुवनत्रयतिलकं जनयति जननी सुतं विरलम् 1106


Sampadi yasya na harsho vipadi vishado rane na bhirutvam l

Tam bhuvanatrayatilakam janayati janani sutam viralam


A person who is not elated by becoming rich, is not depressed while facing danger and never loses presence of mind in battle s admired everywhere. Rare is the mother who gives birth to such a child.


असंकल्पाज्जयेत् कामं क्रोधं कामविवर्जनात् 

अर्थानर्थेक्षया लोभं भयं तत्त्वावमर्शनात् 1107


Asankalpajjayet kamam krodham kamavivarjanat 

Arthan arthekshaya lobham bhayam tattvavamarshanat 


One must get over lust by teaching oneself not to feel the need. By giving up lust, one can give up anger. Not desiring wealth will help one understand the philosophy of greed and fear.


पठतो नास्ति मूर्खत्वं जपतो नास्ति पातकम् 

मौनिनः कलहो नास्ति  भयं चास्ति जाग्रतः 1108


Pathato nasti murkhatvam japato nasti patakam
Mauninah kalaho nasti na bhayam chasti jagratah 


One who has read will not appear foolish, one who meditates will not commit crimes.

one who is silent will not get into fights. one who is alert will not have fear.

भीतवत् संविधातव्यं यावद् भयं अनागतम् ।
आगतं तु भयं दृष्ट्वा प्रहर्तव्यम् अभीतवत् ॥ 1109


Bhitavat samvidhatavyam yavad bhayam anagatam I

Agatam tu bhyam dhrushtvaa prahartavym abhitavat II


As long as a problem has not appeared, manage to avoid occurrence of

the problem. Once the problem has occurred fight it fearlessly.


सत्येन धार्यते पृथ्वी सत्येन तपते रविः 
सत्येन वायवो वान्ति सर्वं सत्ये प्रतिष्ठितम् 1110


Satyena dharyate pruthvī satyena tapate raviḥ

Satyena vayavo vanti sarvam satye pratishtthitam


The earth is supported by the power of truth; the power of truth makes

the sun shine and the winds blow; indeed all things rest upon truth. 

Thursday, 18 November 2021

 न गच्छति विना पानं व्याधिरौषधशब्दतः ।

विनाऽपरोक्षानुभवं ब्रह्मशब्दैर्न मुच्यते ॥ 1101


Na gachchhati vina panam vyadhiraushadhashabdatah l

Vinaaparokshanubhavam brahmashabdairna muchyate


A disease is not cured if one simply utters the name of a medicine. Without direct realisation one cannot be liberated by the mere utterance of the word Brahman.


बालो वा यदि वा वृद्धो युवा वा गृहमागतः ।
तस्य पूजा विधातव्या सर्वस्याभ्यागतो गुरुः ॥ 1102


Balo va yadi va vruddho yuva va gruhamagatah l

Tasya puja vidhatavya sarvasyabhyagato guruh


Whether it is a child, an old person or an young pereson, whoever comes to

your house should be received with respect. A guest deserves respect by everyone.


यदाचरित कल्याणि  शुभं वा यदि वाऽशुभम् ।

तदेव लभते भद्रे कर्त्ता कर्मजमात्मनः ॥ 1103


Yadacharita Kalyani Shubham va yadi va ashubham l

Tadeva labhate bhadre kartta karmajatmanah


Whatever deed a persin does, good or bad, the result is appropriately

good or bad. The doer has to bear the fruits of his deeds.


शून्यमापूर्णतामेति मृत्युरप्यमृतायते ।
आपत्सम्पदिवाभाति विद्वज्जनसमागमात् ॥ 1104


Shunyamapurnatameti mrutyuapyamrutayate l

Apatsampadivabhati vidvajjanasamagamat

Void becomes full, death turns into immortality, adversity

turns to prosperity in the company of wise men.


आपदां कथितः पन्था इन्द्रियाणामसंयमः ।

तज्जय: संपदामं मार्गो येनेष्टम् तेन गम्यताम् ॥ 1105


Apadam kathitah pantha indriyanamasamyamah l

Tajjayah sampadam margo yeneshtam tena gamyatam



Not controlling the senses is the road to adversity.  Conquering the

senses is the road to prosperity. Choose either of the two which you like.