Monday, 8 November 2021

 पत्रं नैव यदा करीरविटपे दोषो वसन्तस्य किम्

नोलूकोऽप्यवलोकते यदि दिवा सूर्यस्य किं दूषणम् ।
धारा नैव पतन्ति चातकमुखे मेघस्य किं दूषणम्
यत्पूर्वं विधिना ललाटलिखितं तन्मार्जितुं कः क्षमः ॥ 1091


Patram naivam kariravitape dosho vasantasya kim

Noluko apyavalokate yadi diva suryasya kim dushanam l

Dhara naiva patanti chatakamukhe meghasya kim dushanam

Yatpurvam vidhina lalatalikhitam tanmarjitum kah kashamah

If there is not even a single leaf on the branches of Karir tree, how can the spring season be held responsible? Why should the Sun be blamed if an owl cannot see during the day? Is it the fault of cloud if the drops of rain do not fall into the mouth of Chataka bird? Who is able to erase what's already written by fate on one's forehead?


नवं पुरातनं वापि लेखं पश्यन्ति पण्डिताः ।
सारमासाद्य तुष्यन्ति निःसारञ्च त्यजन्ति ते ॥ 1092


Navam puratanam vapi lekham pashyanti panditah l

Saramasadya tushyanti nihsarancha tyajanti te


Whether new or old, it is the content of literature that scholars study.

They enjoy ones that are significant and reject ones that are undistinguished.


वैद्याः वदन्ति कफपित्तमरुद्विकारान् ज्योतिर्विदो ग्रहगतिं परिवर्तयन्ति ।

भूताभिषंग इति भूतविदो वदन्ति प्रारब्धकर्म बलवन्मुनयोः वदन्ति ॥ 1093


Vaidyah vadanti kaphapittamarudvikaran jyotirvido grahagatim parivartayanti l

Bhutabhishanga iti bhutavido vadanti prarabdhakarma balavanmunayo vadanti


Physicians say that the disease is related to mucus, bile and gas. The Astrologer

blames the positions of planets. Black Magician says that it is due to evil spirits.

The sage says that is because of ones’s inherited fate.


खल्वाटो दिवसेश्वरस्य किरणैस्सन्तापितो मस्तके
वाञ्छन्देशमनातपं विधिवशात्तालस्य मूलं गतः ।
तत्राप्यस्य महाफलेन पतता भग्नं सशब्दं शिरः
प्रायो गच्छति यत्र भाग्यरहितस्तत्रैव यान्त्यापदः ॥ 1094


Khalvato divaseshvarasya kiranaissantapito mastake

Vancchandeshamanatapam vidhivashattalasya mulam gatah l

Tatrapyasya mahaphalena patata bhagnam sashabdam shirah

Prayo gachchati yatra bhagyarahitastatraiva yantyapadah


A bald man scorched by the rays of sun on his head, seeking shade, guided by his fate, took shelter under a palm tree hoping to get relief. But a big fruit fell from the tree, with a loud noise, broke his head and killed him. Usually, troubles always follow an unlucky person wherever he goes.


न वा कस्य विषादाय वियोग: प्रियवस्तुन:

न शोचति परं कोऽपि प्रियां कीर्तिं दिवं गताम् 1095


Na va kasya vishaadaya viyogah priyavastunah l
Na shochati param ko api priyam kirtim divam gataam


One grieves on a thing dear to one going away. However,

one does not grieve when one’s dear fame goes to far away places.

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