Thursday, 30 December 2021

 दृष्टिपूतं न्यसेत्पादम् वस्त्रपूतं जलं पिबेत्‌ ।

शास्त्रपूतं वदेद्वाक्यम् मनः पूतं समाचरेत्‌ ॥ 1141


Drushtiputam nyasetpadam vastraputam jalam pibet

Shastraputam vadedvakyam manah putam samacharet


Step forward after carefully watching. Drink water after filtering through a cloth.
Speak those words that agree with scriptures. Act only after careful deliberation.


अदृष्टपूर्वा बहवः सहायाः सर्वे पदस्थस्य भवन्ति वश्याः ।
अर्थाद्विहीनस्य पदच्युतस्य भवन्ति काले स्वजनोऽपि शत्रुः1142

Adrushtapurva bahavah sahayah sarve padasthasya bhavanti vashyah
Arthadvihinasya padachyutasya bhavanti kale svajano api shatruh

When a man is powerful and prosperous, friends gather around him.

If he is poor and out of work even his own people turn foes in time of need.


अपि सम्पूर्णतायुक्तैः कर्तव्याः सुहृदो बुधैः।
नदीशः परिपूर्णोऽपि चन्द्रोदयमपेक्षते॥ 1143

Api sampornatayuktaih kartavyah suhrudo budhaih
Nadīshah paripurno api chandrodayamapekshate


Wise men should get friends, even if they live in abundance.
Ocean, the lord of rivers, although full, waits for the rise of the moon.


उपकारिषु यः साधुः साधुत्वे तस्य को गुणः ।
अपकारिषु यः साधुः स साधुः सद्भिरुच्यते ॥ 1144


Upakarishu yah sadhuh sadhutve tasya ko gunah
Apakarishu yah sadhuh sa sadhuh sadbhiruchyate

One who is good, when being helped, what is great about his goodness?
When being wronged, one who remains helpful, is said to be good by the learned.



येषां न विद्या न तपो न दानं ज्ञानं न शीलं न गुणो न धर्मः ।

ते मृत्युलोके भुवि भारभूता मनुष्यरूपेण मृगाश्चरन्ति 1145


Yesham na vidya na tapo na danam jnanam na shilam na guno na dharmah

Te mrutyuloke bhuvibharabhuta manushyarupena mrugashcharanti


Those who have no learning, no penance, no sense of charity, no goodness, no values and no ethics, they become a burden on the land of the dead and are animals living in human form.

Sunday, 26 December 2021

 अतृणे पतितो वह्निः स्वयमेवोपशाम्यति।

अक्षमावान् परं दोषैरात्मानं चैव योजयेत्॥ 1136

Atrune patito vahnih svayamevopashamyati
Akshamavan param doshairatmanam chaiva yojayet

Fire fallen on grassless land extinguishes itself.
A man without forgiveness brings troubles unto himself.


एकं विषरसं हन्ति शस्त्रेणैकश्च वध्यते ।
सराष्ट्रं सप्रजं हन्ति राजानं मंत्रविप्लवः ॥ 1137


Ekam visharasam hanti shastrenaikashcha badhyate

Sarashtram saprajam hanti rajanam mantraviplavah


Poison can kill one and so can a weapon.

But a king’s mishandling can kill an entire nation.


यथा शिखा मयूराणां नागानां मणयो यथा ।
तथा वेदाङ्गशास्त्राणां गणितं मूर्ध्नि वर्तते ॥ 1138


Yatha shikha mayuranam naganam manayo yatha

Tatha vedangashastranam ganitam murdhni vartate


Like the crests of peacocks that adorn their heads, and the gems on hoods of cobras, Mathematics is placed at the top of all Sciences.


अर्थातुराणां न सुहृन् न बन्धु: कामातुराणां न भयं न लज्जा ।

विद्यातुराणां न सुखं न निद्रा क्षुधातुराणां न वपुर्न तेज: 1139


Artharturanam na suhrun na bandhuh kamaturanam na bhayam na lajja

Vidyaturanam na sukham na nidra kshudhaturanam na vapurna tejah


Persons obsessed with becoming rich have no friends nor relatives, persons obsessed with desires have no fear nor guilt. Those desirous of acquiring knowledge have no pleasures nor sleep and those who are famished have no good body nor brightness.


मूर्खो न हि ददाति अर्थ नरो दारिद्रयशङ्कया ।
प्राज्ञाः तु वितरति अर्थ नरो दारिद्रयशङ्कया ॥ 1140

Murkho na hi dadati artha naro daridrayashankaya

Prajnah tu vivarati artha naro daridrayashankaya


A fool does not do charity for the fear of becoming poor A wise man does charity

for the same fear that he may become poor if he did not do charity now.

Sunday, 19 December 2021

 यस्यास्ति वित्तं स नरः कुलीनः स पण्डितः स श्रुतवान्गुणज्ञः ।

स एव वक्ता स च दर्षनीयः सर्वे गुणाः काञ्चनमाश्रयन्ते ॥ 1131

Yasyasti vittam sa narah kulinah sa panditah sa shrutavangunajnah

Sa eva vakta sa cha darshaniyah sarve gunan kanchanamashrayante


One who has wealth is considered well born, learned, a good adjudicator,

a spokesperson and handsome. All qualities seem to depend on money.


अवशेन्द्रियचित्तानां हस्तिस्नानमिव क्रिया ।

दुर्भगाभरणप्रायो ज्ञानं भार: क्रियां विना 1132


Avashendriyachittanam hastisnanamiva kriya
Durbhagabharanaprayo jnanam bharah kriyam vina


An act performed by those whose senses and minds are not in control is like washing an elephant. Knowledge without corresponding action, is like an ornament by ugly women.

विवेकः सह संपत्या विनयो विद्यया सह ।
प्रभुत्वं प्रश्रयोपेतं चिन्हमेतन्महात्मनाम् ॥ 1133

Vivekah saha sampatya vinayo vidyaya saha

Prabhutvam prashnayopetam chinhametanmahatmanam


Understanding, wealth, courtesy, knowledge and curiosity

generally, go together in great people


आदित्यचन्द्रावनिलोऽनलश्चद्यौर्भूमिरापो हृदयं यमश्च ।
अहश्च रात्रिश्च उभे च सन्ध्ये धर्मेऽपि जानाति नरस्य वृत्तम् ॥ 1134

Adityachandraanilo analashchadyobhumirapo hrudayam yamashcha

Ahashcha ratrishcha ubhe sandhye dharmo api janati narasya vruttam

The Sun, Moon, Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Conscience, Death, Day,

Night, Dawn, Dusk and the moral code of life stand witness to a man's actions.


परोपदेशवेलायां शिष्टाः सर्वे भवन्ति वै ।
विस्मरन्तीह शिश्टत्वं स्वकार्ये समुपस्थिते ॥ 1135


Paropadeshavelayam shishtah sarve bhavanti vai

Vismarantiha shishtatvam svakarye samupasthite


At the time of giving advice to others, everyone is wise. But when

encountered by their own problems, they forget all their wisdom

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

 दिक्कालाद्यनवच्छिन्नानन्तचिन्मात्रमूर्तये ।

स्वानुभूत्येकमानाय नमः शान्तया तेजसे 1126



Svanubhtyekamanaya namah shantaya tejase


Salutations to that peaceful luminance whose form is pure intelligence, unlimited

and unconditioned by space, time etc., knowing which is only through self realisation.


स्वायत्तमेकान्तगुणं विधात्रा विनिर्मितं छादनमज्ञतायाः ।

विशेषतः सर्वविदां समाजे विभूषणं मौनमपण्डितानाम् ॥ 1127


Svayattamekantagunam vidhatra vinirmitam chchadanamajnatayah

Visheshatah sarvavidam samaje vibhushanam maunamapanditanam


The creator has produced a cover to hide ignorance which is one’s control and effective. In an assembly of scholars, silence becomes the ornament of the ignorant.


शशी दिवसधूसरो गलितयौवन कामिनी सरो विगतवारिजं  मुखमनक्षरं स्वाकृतेः ।

प्रभुर्धनपरायणः सततदुर्गति सज्जनो नृपाङ्गणगतः खलो मनसि सप्त शस्यानि मे ॥ 1128


Shashi divasadhusaro galitayauvana kamini saro vigatavarijam mukhamanaksharam svakruteh

Prabhrdhanaparayanah satatdurgati sajjano nrupanganagatah khalo anasi sapta shasyani me


The moon obscured by daylight, a woman past her youth, a pond without lotuses,an illiterate handsome man, a prince devoted to money, a goodman ever in difficulties, a wicked man frequenting a king’s court are like seven thorns to my mind.

न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते ।
तत्स्वयं योगसंसिद्धः कालेनात्मनि विन्दति ॥ 1129


Na hi jnanena sadrusham pavitramiha vidyate

Tatsvayam yogasamsiddhih kalenatmani vindati


Nothing in this world is as pure as knowledge. One who has attained spiritual

Insight, knowledge, through action and devotion realises the eternal truth.


प्राप्तव्यमर्थं लभते मनुष्यो देवोऽपि तं लङ्घयितुं न शक्तः ।
तस्मान्न शोचामि न विस्मयो मे यदस्मदीयं न हि तत्परेषाम् ॥ 1130


Praptavyamartham labhate manushyo devo api tam langhayitum na shaktah

Tasmanna shochami na vismayo me yadasmadiyam na hi tatparesham


What's duly his, a man receives, this law not even God can break,
My heart is not surprised nor grieves, for what is mine no strangers take.