Wednesday, 8 December 2021

 अनवस्थितचित्तस्य न जने न वने सुखम् ।

जने दहति संसर्गो वने सङ्गविवर्जनम् 1121


Anavasthitachittasya na jane na vane sukham
Jane dahati samsargo vane sangavivarjanam

A person with unsteady mind is neither happy among men nor in the forest.Among men he is tormented by their company and in the forest by the lack of company.


यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठः तत्तदेवेतरो जनः ।
स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते ॥ 1122


Yadyadacharati shreshttah tatadevetaro janah

Sa yatpramanam kurute lokastadanuvartate


Whatever a great person does, other people imitate the same thing.

Whatever standards he sets up, the world follows the same.


अप्रियवचनदरिद्रैः प्रियवचनाढ्यैः स्वदारपरितुष्टैः ।

परपरिवादनिवृत्तैः क्वचित्क्वचिन्मण्डिता वसुधा 1123


Apriyavacanadaridraih priyavacanddhyaih svadaraparitushtaih

Paraparivadanivruttaih kvacitkvachinmandita vasudha


This world is sparsely adorned with people who are not given to umpleasant

words, who speak only with sweet words yadbharturevaand who are happy with their wives.


एकेनापि हि शूरेण पादाक्रान्तं महीतलम् ।

क्रियते भास्करेणेव स्फारस्फुरिततेजसा 1124


Ekenapi hi shurena padahrantam mahitalam

Kriyate bhaskareneva spharasphuritatejasa


One valiant person is capable of controlling the world under his foot,

Just like the sun illuminates the whole world with his radiance.


प्रीणति यः सुचरितैः पितरं स पुत्रो यद्भर्तुरेव हितमिच्छति तत्कलत्रम् ।

तन्मित्रमापदि सुखे च समक्रियं यदेतत्रयं जगति पुण्यकृतो लभन्ते ॥ 1125


Prinati yah sucharitaih pitaram sa putro yadbhartureva hitamichchati tatkalatram

Tanmitramapadi sukhe cha samakriyam yadetatrayam jagati punyakruto labhante


A son who delights his father by his good deeds, a wife who wishes for the best for husband, a friend who is with you in prosperity and adversity are the three things the meritorious get in this world.

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