गुणदोषानशास्त्रज्ञ: कथं विभजते जनः l
किमन्धस्याधिकारोस्ति रूपभेदोपलब्धिषु ll 1116
katham vibhajate janah ।
Kimandhasyaadhikarosti rupabhedopalabdhishu
How can a person not well
informed decide virtues or defects?
Can a person who is blind appreciate
differences in forms?
श्लोकेन वा तदर्धेन पादेनैकाक्षरेण वा ।
अवन्ध्यं दिवसं कुर्यात् दानाध्ययनकर्मभिः
॥ 1117
Shlokena va tadarthena padenaikaksharena va ।
Avndhyam divas am kuryat danadhyayanakarmibhih ॥
One should make one’s day
productive by studying a verse, or half of it,
or a fourth, or even a single
letter and engage in donations coupled with learning.
सत्यं मृदु प्रियं वाक्यं धीरो हितकरं वदेत् ।
आत्मोत्कर्षं तथा निन्दां परेषां परिवर्जयेत् ॥ 1118
Satyam mrudu priyam vakyam
dhiro hitakaram vadet ।
Atmotkarsham tatha nindam
paresham parivarjayet ॥
A wiseman
should speak in truthful , soft , pleasant words beneficial to others,
He should
avoid speaking in words hurting others.
मालतीकुसुमस्येव द्वे गतीह् मनस्विनः ।
मूर्ध्नि व सर्वलोकस्य शीर्यते वन एव वा ॥ 1119
Malatikusumasyeva dve gatIh manasvinah ।
Murdhni va sarvalokasya shiryate vana eva va ॥
status of the high minded are two-fold as in the case of the Malati flower.
To be
worn on the heads of people or to wither away in the forest.
अलसस्य कुतो विद्या अविद्यस्य कुतो धनम्
अधनस्य कुतो मित्रम् अमित्रस्य
कुतः सुखम् ॥ 1120
Alasyasya kuto vidya avidyasya kuto dhanam ।
Adhanasya kuto mitram amitrasya kutah sukham ॥
From where will come learning
for the lazy, money for the unlettered,
friends for one without money,
happiness for one without friends?
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