अतृणे पतितो वह्निः स्वयमेवोपशाम्यति।
अक्षमावान् परं दोषैरात्मानं चैव योजयेत्॥ 1136
Atrune patito vahnih svayamevopashamyati ।
param doshairatmanam chaiva yojayet ॥
Fire fallen
on grassless land extinguishes itself.
A man
without forgiveness brings troubles unto himself.
एकं विषरसं
हन्ति शस्त्रेणैकश्च वध्यते ।
सराष्ट्रं सप्रजं हन्ति राजानं
मंत्रविप्लवः ॥ 1137
Ekam visharasam hanti shastrenaikashcha badhyate ।
Sarashtram saprajam hanti rajanam mantraviplavah ॥
can kill one and so can a weapon.
But a
king’s mishandling can kill an entire nation.
यथा शिखा मयूराणां नागानां मणयो यथा ।
तथा वेदाङ्गशास्त्राणां गणितं मूर्ध्नि वर्तते ॥ 1138
Yatha shikha
mayuranam naganam manayo yatha ।
Tatha vedangashastranam
ganitam murdhni vartate ॥
Like the crests of peacocks that adorn their heads, and the gems on
hoods of cobras, Mathematics is placed at the top of all Sciences.
अर्थातुराणां न सुहृन् न बन्धु: कामातुराणां न भयं न
लज्जा ।
विद्यातुराणां न सुखं न निद्रा क्षुधातुराणां न
वपुर्न तेज: ॥ 1139
Artharturanam na suhrun na bandhuh kamaturanam na bhayam
na lajja ।
Vidyaturanam na sukham na nidra kshudhaturanam na vapurna
tejah ॥
Persons obsessed with becoming rich have no friends nor relatives,
persons obsessed with desires have no fear nor guilt. Those desirous
of acquiring knowledge have no pleasures nor sleep and those who are famished
have no good body nor brightness.
मूर्खो न हि ददाति अर्थ नरो
दारिद्रयशङ्कया ।
प्राज्ञाः तु वितरति अर्थ
नरो दारिद्रयशङ्कया ॥ 1140
Murkho na hi dadati artha naro daridrayashankaya ।
Prajnah tu vivarati artha naro daridrayashankaya ॥
A fool does not do charity for the fear of becoming poor A wise man
does charity
for the same fear that he may become poor if he did not do charity
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