Wednesday, 30 October 2019

भोगा न भुक्ता वयमेव भुक्ताः तपो न तप्तं वयमेव तप्ताः ।

कालो न यातो वयमेव याताः तृष्णा न जीर्णा वयमेव जीर्णाः ॥ ३७५

Bhoga na bhukta vayameva bhuktah tapo na taptam vayameva taptah
Kalo na yato vayameva yatah trushna na jirna vayameva jirnah

Desires were not devoured but we ourselves were devoured, penance was not observed we ourselves were made to suffer, time did not pass we ourselves became aged, hungers were not sated we ourselves were digested.

दानं भोगो नाशस्तिस्त्रो गतयो भवन्ति वित्तस्य ।

यो न ददाति न भुङ्क्ते तस्य तृतीया गतिर्भवति ॥ ३७६

Danam bhogo nashastistro gatayo bhavanti chittasya
Yo na dadati na bhunkte tasya trutiya gatirbhavati

There are three ultimate ends of money - charity, enjoyment and waste; he who neither gives his riches in charity nor uses them for his own personal enjoyment is doomed to the third condition, lose them altogether

कुटुम्बचिन्ताऽऽकुलीनस्य पुंसः श्रुतं च शीलं च गुणाश्च सर्वे ।

अपक्वकुम्भे निहिता इवापः प्रयान्ति देहेन समं विनाशम् ॥ ३७७

Kutumbachinta akulinsya pumsah shrutam cha shilam cha gunashcha sarve
Apakvakumbhe nihita ivapah prayanti dehena samam vinasham

If a man is overcome by worries about his family, then his learning, good conduct and other qualities disappear along with the body like water in an unbaked pitcher

विषं विषेण व्यथते वज्रं वज्रेण भिद्यते  

गजेन्द्रो दृष्टसारेण गजेन्द्रेणैव बध्यते ॥

मत्स्त्यो मत्स्यमुपादत्ते ज्ञातिर्ज्ञातिमसंशयम् ।

रावणोच्छित्तये रामो विभीषणमपूजयत् ॥ ३७८

Visham vishena vyathate vajram vajrena bhidyate
Gajendro drushthasarena badhyate
Matstyo matsyamupadatte jnatirjnatimasamshayam
Ravanochchittaye ramo vibhishamapujayat

Poison is subdued with poison, diamond is broken by diamond, a mighty elephant is caught by an equally mighty elephant. Fish swallow fish and the relative indeed the relative. For destroying Ravana Rama cultivated Vibhishana.

शुनकः स्वर्णपरिष्कृतगात्रो नृपपीठे विनिवेशित एव ।

अभिषिक्तश्च जलैः सुमुहूर्ते न जहात्येव गुणं खलु पूर्वम् ॥ ३७९

Shunakah svarnaparishkrutagatro nrupapitthe viniveshita eva
Abihishiktashcha jalaih sumuhurte na jahatyeva gunam khalu purvam

With its body bedecked with gold, put on the throne and bathed in waters at an auspicious time, a dog does not give up its earlier quality

हेम्नः खेदो न दाहेनच्छेदेन निकषेण न ।

इदमेव महद् दुःखं गुञ्जया सह तोलनम् ॥ ३८०

Hemnah khedo na dahenachchhedena nikashena na
Idameva mahad dukham gunjaya saha tolanam

Gold is unhappy not because it is burnt, cut or rubbed. The great pain for it is that it is weighed against a berry of lowly Gunja shrub

Friday, 25 October 2019

सुलभाः खलु संयुगे सहाया विषयावाप्तसुखे धनार्जने वा ।

पुरुषस्य तु दुर्लभाः सहायाः पतितस्यापदि धर्मसंभ्रमे वा ॥ ३७१

Sulabhah khalu samyuge sahaya vishayavaptasukhe dhanarjane va
Purushasya tu durlabhah sahayah patitasyapadi dharmasambhrame va

It is very easy to get companions in battle, in pleasures born out of passions or in accumulation of riches but they are rare in moments of adversity or practice of religion.

पालिका मुग्धलोकस्य शत्रुलोकस्य नाशिका  

गुरुशुश्रूषिणी चेष्टा ननु चेष्टा महात्मनाम् ॥ ३७२

Palika mugdhalokasya shatrulokasya nashika
Gurushushrushini cheshta nanu cheshta mahatmanam

The activity which sustains the innocent, destroys the enemies and leads to the service of the elders is the activity of the great souls

उत्साहः साहसं धैर्यं बुद्धिः शक्तिः पराक्रमः ।

षडेते यत्र तिष्ठन्ति तत्र देवोऽपि तिष्ठति ॥ ३७३

Utsahah sahasam dhairyam buddhih shaktih parakramah
Shadete yatra tishthanti tatra devo api tishthati

Enthusiasm, adventurousness, boldness, intelligence, strength and valour.
Where these six are present, Gods will also be present.

दारिद्र्यान्मरणाद्वा मरणं मम रोचते न दारिद्र्यम् ।

अल्पक्लेशं मरणं दारिद्र्यमनन्तकं दुःखम् ॥ ३७४

Daridryanmaranadva maranam mama rochate na daridryam
Alpaklesham maranam daridryamanantakam dukham

Between penury and death, I would prefer death to penury.
Death involves little trouble while penury is misery without end.

भोगा न भुक्ता वयमेव भुक्ताः तपो न तप्तं वयमेव तप्ताः ।

कालो न यातो वयमेव याताः तृष्णा न जीर्णा वयमेव जीर्णाः ॥ ३७५

Bhoga na bhukta vayameva bhuktah tapo na taptam vayameva taptah
Kalo na yato vayameva yatah tushna na jirna vayameva jirnah

Desires were not devoured but we ourselves were devoured, penance was not observed we ourselves were made to suffer, time did not pass we ourselves became aged, hungers were not sated we ourselves were digested.

Friday, 18 October 2019

प्रकीर्णविषयारण्ये धावन्तं विप्रमाथिनम् ।

ज्ञानाङ्कुशेन कुर्वीत वश्यमिन्द्रियदन्तिनम् ॥ ३६५

Prakirnavishayaranye dhavantam vipramathinam
Jnanankushena kurvIta vashyamindriyadantinam

Bring under control the agitated elephant of senses strutting about in the sprawling forest of sense-objects with the weapon of knowledge

अपि शाकं पचानस्य सुखं वै मघवन् गृहे ।

अर्जितं स्वेन वीर्येण न व्यपाश्रित्य कञ्चन ॥ ३६६

Api shakam pachanasya sukham vai maghavan gruhe
Arjitam svena viryena na vyapashritya kanchana

O Maghavan, the bountiful! Happy is even that one who cooks only leaves earned by his own efforts for food without having to depend on others.

गुणकोट्या तुलाकोटिं यदेकमपि टीकते ।

तदप्यौचित्यमेकान्तलुब्धस्य गरलायते ॥ ३६७

Gunakotya tulakotim yadekamapi tikate
Tadapyauchityamekantalubdhasya garalayate

The quality of propriety which is equal to a crore of other qualities appears poison to an absolutely greedy person.

अपूज्या यत्र पूज्यन्ते पूजनीयो न पूज्यते  

त्रीणि तत्र प्रवर्तन्ते दुर्भिक्षं मरणं भयम् ॥ ३६८

Apoojya yatra poojyante poojanIyo na poojyate
Trini tatra pravartante durbhiksham maranam bhayam

Where the undeserving are worshipped and deserving ones are not
Three things will prevail there – famine. Death and fear.

यदा किञ्चिज्ज्ञोऽहं द्विप इव मदान्ध समभवं

तदा सर्वज्ञोऽस्मीत्यभवद्वलिप्तं मम मनः  

यदा किञ्चित्किञ्चिद्बुधजनसकाशादवगतं तदा 

मूर्खोऽस्मीति ज्वर इव मदो मे व्यपगतः ॥ ३६९

Yada kinchtjjno aham dvipa iva madandha samabhavam
tada sarvajno asmitibhavdvliptam mama manah
yada kinchitkichidbudhajanasakashadavagatam tada 
murkho asmiti jvara iva mado me vyapagatah

When I gained some knowledge, I behaved like a furious elephant in ruts, considering myself an omniscient being; but now that I have come to learn something from the wise, I have discovered my own ignorance and my conceit went down like fever.

अन्यदीये तृणे रत्ने काञ्चने मौक्तिकेऽपि च ।

मनसो विनिवृत्तिर्या तदस्तेयं विदुर्बुधाः ॥ ३७०

Anyadiye trune ratne mauktike api cha
Manaso vinivruttirya tadasteyam vidurbudhah

To turn away the mind from the straw, jewels, gold and pearls belonging to others is interpreted by the wise as asteya, non-stealing.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

न नर्मयुक्तं चनं हिनस्ति न स्त्रीषु राजन्न विवाहकाले ।

प्राणाप्यये सर्वधनापहारे पञ्चानृतान्याहुरपातकानि ॥ ३६१

Na narmayuktam vachanam hinasti na strishu rajanna vivahakale |
Pranapyaye sarvadhanapahare panchanrutanyahurapatakani ||

It is not sinful to speak falsehood in the following five cases: in joke, in respect of women to be associated with, in marriage, in prospect of immediate death and at the time of the loss of one's whole fortune.

पठकाः पाठकाश्चैव ये चान्ये शास्त्रचिन्तकाः  

सर्वे व्यसनिनो मूर्खा यः क्रियवान् स पण्डितः ॥ ३६२

Patthakah patthakashchaiva ye chanye shastrachintakah
Sarve vyasanino murkha yah kriyavan sa panditah

The students and the teachers and all those who pore over the Sastras are all fools and addicts. One who practises what is enjoined in the Sastras is the learned one.

यस्य हस्तौ च पादौ च मनश्चैव सुसंयतम् ।

विद्या तपश्च तीर्थं च स तीर्थफलमश्नुते ॥ ३६३

Yasya hastau cha padau cha manashchaiva susamyatam
Vidya tapashcha tIrtham cha sa tIrthaphalamashnute

One whose hands, feet, mind, knowledge, austerities and genital organ are under control, he gets the fruit of the visit to a holy place

न शापो नाभिचरणं न वह्निर्न विषं तथा  

नास्त्राणि न च शस्त्राणि यथा तीक्ष्णतमा क्षमा ३६४

Na shapo nabhicharanam na vahnirna visham tatha
Nastrani na cha shastrani yatha tIkshnatama kshama

Curse, exorcizing, fire, poison, missiles and weapons are not as sharp as forbearance.

प्रकीर्णविषयारण्ये धावन्तं विप्रमाथिनम् ।

ज्ञानाङ्कुशेन कुर्वीत वश्यमिन्द्रियदन्तिनम् ॥ ३६५

Prakirnavishayaranye dhavantam vipramathinam
Jnanankushena kurvIta vashyamindriyadantinam

Bring under control the agitated elephant of senses strutting about in the sprawling forest of sense-objects with the weapon of knowledge

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

कालः करोति कार्याणि काल एव विहन्ति च ।

करोमीति विहन्मीति मूर्खो मुह्यति केवलम् ॥ ३५६

Kalah karoti karyani kala eva vihanti cha
Karomiti vihanmiti murkho muhyati kevalam

It is Time that does things and sets them at naught. It is just the delusion of the ignorant that he feels that he is getting his act together or setting it at naught.

युक्तियुक्तं वचो ग्राह्यं बालादपि शुकादपि ।

अयुक्तं नैव च ग्राह्यं साक्षादपि बृहस्पते ॥ ३५७

Yuktiyuktam vacho grahyam baladapi shukadapi
Ayuktam naiva cha grahyam sakshadapi bruhaspate

One has to accept appropriate words even from a child or a parrot.
Never accept inappropriate words even if they are from Bruhaspati.

दीर्घप्रयासेन कृतं हि वस्तु निमेषमात्रेण भजेद् विनाशम् ।

कर्तुं कुलालस्य तु वर्षमेकं भेत्तुं  हि दण्डस्य मुहूर्तमात्रम् ॥ ३५८

Deerghaprayasena krutam hi vastu nimeshamatrena bhajed vinasham
Kartum kulalasya tu varshamekam bhettum hi dandasya muhurtamatram

An object made with a lot of effort can get destroyed in a minute. A pot made by a potter over the year can be broken by a rod in a minute.

निपानमिव मण्डूकाः सरः पूर्णमिवाण्डजाः ।

सोद्योगं नरमायान्ति विवशाः सर्वसम्पदः ॥ ३५९

Nipanamiva mandukah sarah purnamivandajah
Sodyogam naramayanti vivashah sarvasamadah

Just like frogs which go to puddles and birds which flock to a lake full of water,
fortunes helplessly go to the industrious man.

चरन् वै मधु विन्दति चरन् स्वादुमुदुमबरम् ।

सूर्यस्य पश्य श्रेमाणं यो न तन्द्रयते चरन् ॥ ३६०

Charan vai madhu vindati charan svadudumabaram
Suryasya pashya shremanam yon a tandrayate charan

It is on the move that one gets honey Similarly, the tasty Udumbara fruit. Look at the distinction of the Sun who shows no lethargy in movement.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

किं दुःसहं साधूनां विदुषां किमपोक्षितम् ।

किमकार्यं कदर्याणां दुस्त्यजं किं धृतात्मनाम् ॥ ३५१

Kim dussaham sadhunam vidusham kimapokshitam
Kimakaryam kadaryanam dustyajam kim dhrutatmanam

What is impossible for good people, what do the learned need?
What can the miser not do, what will the determined not renounce?

मरुद्भिः पीड्यमानोऽपि सन्त्यक्तोऽपि दिवानिशम् ।

विषयस्नेहरहितो रत्नदीपः प्रकाशते ॥ ३५२

Marudbhih pidyamano api santyakto api divanisham
Vishayasnerahito ratnadIpah prakashate

Even though forsaken and buffeted by puffs of wind a lamp of jewels gives out light day in and day out.

नन्दन्त्युदित आदित्ये नन्दन्त्यस्तमिते रवौ ।

आत्मनो नावबुध्यन्ते मनुष्या जीवितक्षयम् ॥ ३५३

Nandantyudita aditye nandantyastamite ravau
Atmano navabudhyante manushya jivitakshyam

People rejoice the rising of the sun and rejoice the setting of the sun.
They are unaware of the waning of powers in their own lives.

निस्सारस्य पदार्थस्य प्रायेणाडम्बरो महान् ।

नहि स्वर्णे ध्वनिस्तादृक् यादृक् कंसे प्रजायते ॥ ३५४

Nissarasya padarthasya prayenadambaro mahan
Nahi svarne dhvanistadruk yadruk kamse prajayate

Gold does not make as much sound as copper.

उद्यमो मित्रवद् ग्राह्यः प्रमादं शत्रुवत् त्यजेत् ।

उद्यमेन परा सिद्धिः प्रमादेन क्षयो भवेत् ॥ ३५५

Udyamo mitravad grahyaH pramadam shatruvat tyajet
Udyamena para siddhih pramadena kshayo bhavet

Embrace hardwork as a friend and give up negligence as an enemy.
Hardwork leads to great achievement and negligence leads to decline.