नर्मयुक्तं वचनं हिनस्ति न स्त्रीषु राजन्न विवाहकाले
सर्वधनापहारे पञ्चानृतान्याहुरपातकानि ॥ ३६१
Na narmayuktam vachanam
hinasti na strishu rajanna vivahakale |
Pranapyaye sarvadhanapahare
panchanrutanyahurapatakani ||
It is not sinful to speak
falsehood in the following five cases: in joke, in respect of women to be
associated with, in marriage, in prospect of immediate death and at the time of
the loss of one's whole fortune.
पाठकाश्चैव ये चान्ये शास्त्रचिन्तकाः ।
व्यसनिनो मूर्खा यः क्रियवान् स पण्डितः ॥ ३६२
Patthakah patthakashchaiva
ye chanye shastrachintakah ।
Sarve vyasanino murkha yah
kriyavan sa panditah ॥
The students and the teachers
and all those who pore over the Sastras are all fools and addicts. One who
practises what is enjoined in the Sastras is the learned one.
हस्तौ च पादौ च मनश्चैव सुसंयतम् ।
तपश्च तीर्थं च स तीर्थफलमश्नुते ॥ ३६३
Yasya hastau cha padau cha
manashchaiva susamyatam ।
Vidya tapashcha tIrtham cha
sa tIrthaphalamashnute ॥
One whose hands, feet, mind,
knowledge, austerities and genital organ are under control, he gets the fruit
of the visit to a holy place
शापो नाभिचरणं न वह्निर्न विषं तथा ।
न च शस्त्राणि यथा तीक्ष्णतमा क्षमा ॥ ३६४
Na shapo nabhicharanam na
vahnirna visham tatha ।
Nastrani na cha shastrani
yatha tIkshnatama kshama ॥
Curse, exorcizing, fire,
poison, missiles and weapons are not as sharp as forbearance.
धावन्तं विप्रमाथिनम् ।
कुर्वीत वश्यमिन्द्रियदन्तिनम् ॥ ३६५
Prakirnavishayaranye dhavantam
vipramathinam ।
Jnanankushena kurvIta
vashyamindriyadantinam ॥
Bring under control the
agitated elephant of senses strutting about in the sprawling forest of
sense-objects with the weapon of knowledge
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