Friday, 18 October 2019

प्रकीर्णविषयारण्ये धावन्तं विप्रमाथिनम् ।

ज्ञानाङ्कुशेन कुर्वीत वश्यमिन्द्रियदन्तिनम् ॥ ३६५

Prakirnavishayaranye dhavantam vipramathinam
Jnanankushena kurvIta vashyamindriyadantinam

Bring under control the agitated elephant of senses strutting about in the sprawling forest of sense-objects with the weapon of knowledge

अपि शाकं पचानस्य सुखं वै मघवन् गृहे ।

अर्जितं स्वेन वीर्येण न व्यपाश्रित्य कञ्चन ॥ ३६६

Api shakam pachanasya sukham vai maghavan gruhe
Arjitam svena viryena na vyapashritya kanchana

O Maghavan, the bountiful! Happy is even that one who cooks only leaves earned by his own efforts for food without having to depend on others.

गुणकोट्या तुलाकोटिं यदेकमपि टीकते ।

तदप्यौचित्यमेकान्तलुब्धस्य गरलायते ॥ ३६७

Gunakotya tulakotim yadekamapi tikate
Tadapyauchityamekantalubdhasya garalayate

The quality of propriety which is equal to a crore of other qualities appears poison to an absolutely greedy person.

अपूज्या यत्र पूज्यन्ते पूजनीयो न पूज्यते  

त्रीणि तत्र प्रवर्तन्ते दुर्भिक्षं मरणं भयम् ॥ ३६८

Apoojya yatra poojyante poojanIyo na poojyate
Trini tatra pravartante durbhiksham maranam bhayam

Where the undeserving are worshipped and deserving ones are not
Three things will prevail there – famine. Death and fear.

यदा किञ्चिज्ज्ञोऽहं द्विप इव मदान्ध समभवं

तदा सर्वज्ञोऽस्मीत्यभवद्वलिप्तं मम मनः  

यदा किञ्चित्किञ्चिद्बुधजनसकाशादवगतं तदा 

मूर्खोऽस्मीति ज्वर इव मदो मे व्यपगतः ॥ ३६९

Yada kinchtjjno aham dvipa iva madandha samabhavam
tada sarvajno asmitibhavdvliptam mama manah
yada kinchitkichidbudhajanasakashadavagatam tada 
murkho asmiti jvara iva mado me vyapagatah

When I gained some knowledge, I behaved like a furious elephant in ruts, considering myself an omniscient being; but now that I have come to learn something from the wise, I have discovered my own ignorance and my conceit went down like fever.

अन्यदीये तृणे रत्ने काञ्चने मौक्तिकेऽपि च ।

मनसो विनिवृत्तिर्या तदस्तेयं विदुर्बुधाः ॥ ३७०

Anyadiye trune ratne mauktike api cha
Manaso vinivruttirya tadasteyam vidurbudhah

To turn away the mind from the straw, jewels, gold and pearls belonging to others is interpreted by the wise as asteya, non-stealing.

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