नापृष्टः कस्यचिद् ब्रूयान्न चान्यायेन पृच्छतः ।
जानन्नपि हि मेधावी जडवल्लोक आचरेत् ॥ 961
Naprushtah kasyachid bruyanna
chanyayena pruchchatah ।
Janannapi hi medhavi jadavalloka
acharet ॥
A person should
not explain anything unless asked nor answer a person with
improper intention.Let
a wise man though he knows behave like an idiot.
हर्तृ र्न गोचरं याति दत्ता
भवति विस्तृता ।
कल्पान्तेऽपि न या नश्येत्
किमन्यद्विद्यया विना ॥ 962
Hartrurna gocharam yati
datta bhavati vistruta ।
kalpaantepi na yaa nashyet
kimanyadvidyayaa vinaa ॥
One not perceptible to
thieves, one which increases by giving, one not
destroyed even at the end
of time, knowledge is like no other wealth.
न तेभ्योऽभ्यधिकाः सन्ति सन्तः सत्यपुरुषव्रताः ।
दुःखपङ्कार्णवे मग्नं दीनमभ्युद्धरन्ति ये ॥ 963
Na tebhyo abhyadhikah santi santah satyapurushvratah ।
Dukhapankarnave magnam dInamabhyddharanti ye ॥
There are no superior people among saintly people than
those who pull out people sunk in the mire of
कालाकालौ सम्प्रधार्य बलाबलमात्मनः ।
परस्परं बलं ज्ञात्वा तत्रात्मानं नियोजयेत् ॥ 964
Kalakalau sampradharya balabalamatmanah ।
Parasparam balam jnatva tatratmanam niyojayet ॥
Taking into account the right or wrong time, one’s strengths and weaknesses,comparing with those of the opponent one should take up the work.
आपदर्थे धनं रक्षेद् दारान् रक्षेद्धनैरपि ।
आत्मानं सततं रक्षेद्दारैपि धनैरपि ॥ 965
Apadarthe dhanam rakshed daran raksheddhanairapi
Atmanam satatam raksheddharairapi
dhanairapi ॥
In times of danger, save maney, save
your wife more than the
money, but always save yourself even
more than money and wife.
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