Wednesday, 2 June 2021

 विमृश्यकारिता नाम कार्यशोभाविधायिनी ।

अविमृस्यक्रिया नूनं कार्यमालिन्यकारणम् ॥ 936


Vimrushyakarita nama karyashobhavidhayate

Avimrushyakriya nunam karyamalinyakaranam


Well thought out action brings glory to the work.

Ill thought out action spoils the work.


अपि निर्मुक्तभोगेन स्वान्त:स्थविषयेक्षया

असद्भावाय जायेत जिह्मगेन सहासिका 937


Api nirmuktabhogena svantahsthavishayekshaya
Asadbhavaya jayeta jihmagena sahasika

A person who gives up enjoyment but has a craving in his heart should be considered 
to have evil disposition like a serpent which has cast off its skin but has poison in its fangs.


न धर्मशस्त्रं पठतीति कारणं न चापि वेदाध्ययने दुरात्मनः ।

स्वभाव एवत्र तथातिरिच्यते यथा प्रकृत्या मधुरं गवां पयः ॥ 938


Na dharmashastram patthatiti karanam na chapi vedadhyayane duratmanah

Svabhava evatra tathatirichyate yatha prakrutya madhuram gavam payah


Not by reading dharmasastras nor by studying vedas does a wicked man

become what he is. It is only by nature like the natural sweetness of cow’s milk.


तदेयास्य परं मित्रं यत्र संक्रामति द्वयम् ।

दृष्टे सुखं च दुःखं च प्रतिच्छायेव दर्पणे ॥ 939


Tadeyasya param mitram yatra sankramati dvayam

Drushte sukham cha dukham praticchayeva darpane


He is the real friend in whom both your happiness and

misery are seen as if reflected in a mirror.


अहो बत महत्कष्टं विपरीतमिदं जगत्।
येनापत्रपते साधुरसाधुस्तेन तुष्यति ॥ 940

Aho bata mahatkashtam vipareetamidam jagat

Yenapatrapate sadhurasadhustena tushyati


Alas, it is indeed a contrary world. The deed which a virtuous person

Is  ashamed to do is performed happily by a wicked person.

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