गच्छन् शरीरविच्छेदावपि भस्मावशेषताम् ।
कर्पूरः सौरभेणेव नरः ख्यात्यानुमीयते ॥ 1216
Gacchan shariravicchedavapi bhasmavasheshatam ।
Karpūraḥ saurabheṇeva narah khyatyanumiyate ॥
Even while the body is perishing and reaching the state of ashes,
a man is known by his good name, similar to camphor by its fragrance.
संयम्य य आस्ते मनसा स्मरन् ।
मिथ्याचारः स उच्यते ॥ 1217
Karmendriyani samyamya ya aste manasa smaran ।
Indriyarthanvimuddhatma mithyacharah sa
uchyate ॥
One who restrains one’s organs of
action but continues to
think of undesirable objects
mentally is called a hypocrite.
उपायानां च सर्वेषामुपायः पण्यसंग्रहः ।
धनार्थं शस्यते ह्येकस्तदन्याः संशयात्मकाः ॥ 1218
Upayanam cha sarveshamupayah panyasangrahah ।
Dhanartham shasyate hyekastadanyah samshayatmakah ॥
Of all the means of acquiring wealth the storing up
of merchandise is the
best for wealth production. Any other means is of a
doubtful nature.
रथः शरीरं पुरुषस्य राजन् आत्मा
नियन्तेन्द्रियाण्यस्य चाश्वाः I
कुशली सदश्वैर्दान्तैः सुखं याति रथीव धीरः ॥ 1219
Rathah shariram purushasya rajan atma
niyantendriyanyasya chashvah ।
Tairapramattah kushali sadashvairdantaih
sukham yati sthiva dhirah ॥
Oh king! The body is the chariot.
Atma/ buddhi is the charioteer. The sense organs are its horses. The wise man,
with senses under command, traverses happily in the world.
परिचितमागच्छन्तं ग्राहकमुत्कण्ठया विलोक्यासौ ।
हृष्यति तद्धनलब्धो यद्वत्पुत्रेण जातेन ॥ 1220
Parichitamagachchantam grahakam
utkantthya vilokyasau ।
hrushyati taddhanalabdho yadvatputreṇa jatena ॥
A shopkeeper seeing a known customer
coming, rejoices
the prospect of earning money as much a
man does on the birth of a son.
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