Tuesday, 28 June 2022

 अन्धा विद्वर्ज्जनिर्हीना मूका कविभिरुज्झिता ।

बधिरा गायनैर्हीना सभा भवति भूभृतां ॥ 46


Andha vidvarjjanihina muka kavibhirujjita

Badhira gayanairhina sabha bhavati bhubhrutam


If a king’s court is devoid of scholars, singers and poets,

It becomes an assembly of blind, deaf and mute people.


न गर्वं कुरुते माने नापमाने च तप्यते ।

स्वकारं रक्षयेद्यस्तु स भृत्योऽर्हो महीभुजाम् ॥ 47



Na garvam kurute mane napamane cha tapyate 
Svakaram rakshayedyastu sa bhrutyo arho mahibhujam 


The servant who does not feel excess pride when praised, or sadness when rebuked, he who keeps his feelings to himself, is alone fit to serve the king.


यो न पूजयते गर्वादुत्तमाधममध्यमान् ।

नृपासन्नात्स मान्योऽपि भ्रश्यते दन्तिलो यथा ॥ 4०८


Yo na pujayate garvaduttamadhamamadhyaman

Nrupasannatsa manyo api bhrashyate dantilo yatha


Anyone who out of arrogance does not respect people of differing values who are protected by the king will lose his position like Dantila (a rich merchant who lost his position due to arrogance)


सुप्रयुक्तस्य दम्भस्य ब्रह्माप्यन्तं न गच्छति ।

कौलिको विष्णुरुपेण राजकन्यां निषेवते ॥ 49


Suprayuktasya dambhasya brahmapyantam na gachchati

Kauliko vishnurupena rajakanyam niveshate


Even Bhrahma cannot fathom a well conceived and executed deceit.

A weaver in the garb of Vishnu can romance the princess.


अजा सिंहप्रसादेन वने चरति निर्भयम् ।

राममासाद्य लङ्कायां लेभे राज्यं विभीषणः 4१०


Aja simhaprasadena vane charati nirbhayam 
Ramamasadya lankayam lebhe rajyam vibhishanah 


Protected by the lion the goat roams freely in the forest without any fear.

Having joined Rama’s camp Vibhishana became the king of Lanka.

अशोच्य: शोचते शोच्यं किं वा शोच्यो न शोच्यते ।

कश्च कस्येह शोच्योऽस्ति देहेऽस्मिन् बुद्बुदोपमे 4११


Ashochyah shochate shochyam kim va shochyo na shochyate
Kashcha kasyeha shochyo asti dehe asmin budbudopame

The soul that is not to be felt sorry for is grieved, why not grieve for that which is pitiable, the body. But why is it that what should be grieved for is neglected? The body deserves to be grieved for, as it is evanescent like a bubble?


अवलिप्तेषु मूर्खेषु रौद्रसाहसिकेषु च ।

तथैवापेतधर्मेषु न मैत्रीमाचरेद् बुध: 4


Avalipteshu murkheshu raudrasahasikeshu cha
Tathaivapetadharmeshu na maitrimachared budhah


A wise man should never cultivate friendship with those who are haughty,

foolish, fierce, rash and likewise devoid of dharmic values.


आत्मनश्च परेषां च यः समीक्ष्य बलाबलम् ।
अन्तरं नैव जानाति स तिरस्क्रियतेऽरिभिः 


Atmanashcha paresham cha yah samikshya balābalam 
Antaram naiva janati sa tiraskriyate aribhih 


One who has analysed strengths and weaknesses of his own and that of his

enemies, but cannot grasp the differences, will be scorned by his enemies.


बन्धु को नाम दुष्टानां कुप्येत् को नाति याचितः I
को न हृष्यति वित्तेन कुकृत्ये को न पण्डितः II

Bandhu ko nama dushtanam kupyet ko nati yachitah I
Ko na hrushyati vittena kukrutye ko na panditah


Who is a friend of the wicked? Who will not get angry of excessive se ekers?

Who is not proud of his wealth? Who is not an expert in carrying out evil deeds?


आचारः प्रथमो धर्मः इत्येतद् विदुषाः वचः ।

तस्माद् रक्षेत् सदाचारम् प्राणेभ्योऽपि विशेषतः ॥ 45


Acharah prathamo dharmah ityetad vidushah vachah I

Tasmad rakshet sadacharam pranebhyo api visheshatah


Learned people have said that good conduct is one’s foremost duty. Therefore,

one should take care to observe good conduct as one would do to protect one’s life.


तुष्यन्ति भोजने विप्राः मयूराः घनगर्जिते
साधवः परसम्पत्तौ खलाः परविपत्तिषु


Tushyanti bhojane viprah mayurah ghanagarjite I

Sadhavah parasampattau khalah paravipattishu

Brahmins are appeased by sumptuous meals and peacocks by the thunderous roar of clouds. Noble persons are happy on seeing the prosperity of others whereas wicked persons are elated at the misfortune of others.


अविलम्बेन संसिद्धो मान्त्रिकैराप्यते यशः ।

विलम्बे कर्मबाहुल्यमं विख्याप्याऽवाप्यते धनम् ॥ 47


Avilambena samsiddho mantrkairapyate yashah I

Vilambe karmabahulyam vikhyapya avapyate dhanam


Magicians gain fame due to the quickness of their act.

Industrious people earn their wealth after a lot of hardwork and time.


हीनसेवा न कर्तव्या कर्तव्यो महदाश्रयः ।
पयोऽपि शौण्डिकीहस्ते वारुणीत्यभिधीयते ॥ 

Hīnaseva na kartavya kartavyo mahadashrayah I
Payo api shaundikihaste varunityabhidhiyate 

Serving the vile should not be engaged in, one should serve the great.

For even milk in the hands of a tavern keeper is mistaken for liquor.



दुर्वृत्तः क्रियते धूर्तैः श्रीमानात्म विवृद्धये । 

किं नाम खल संसर्गः कुरुते नाश्रयाशवत् ॥ 49


Durvruttah kriyate dhurtaih shrimanatma vivruddhaye I

Kim nama khala samsargah kurute nashrayashavat


Wicked people lead good men into bad deeds for their own advantages.

Will not the company of wicked ones lead to downfall of the protector?


 गुरुं प्रयोजनोद्देशादर्चयन्ति न भक्तितः ।

दुग्धदात्रीति गौर्गेहे पोष्यते न तु धर्मतः ॥ 4


Gurum prayojanoddeshadarchayanti na bhaktitah I

Dugdhadatriti gaurgehe poshyate na to dharmatah


People worship Gurus to gain advantages not out of devotion.

Cows are taken care of for the milk they give, not out of Dharma.



 तुष्यन्ति भोजने विप्राः मयूराः घनगर्जिते

साधवः परसम्पत्तौ खलाः परविपत्तिषु 46


Tushyanti bhojane viprah mayurah ghanagarjite I

Sadhavah parasampattau khalah paravipattishu

Brahmins are appeased by sumptuous meals and peacocks by the thunderous roar of clouds. Noble persons are happy on seeing the prosperity of others whereas wicked persons are elated at the misfortune of others.


अविलम्बेन संसिद्धो मान्त्रिकैराप्यते यशः ।

विलम्बे कर्मबाहुल्यमं विख्याप्याऽवाप्यते धनम् ॥ 47


Avilambena samsiddho mantrkairapyate yashah I

Vilambe karmabahulyam vikhyapya avapyate dhanam


Magicians gain fame due to the quickness of their act.

Industrious people earn their wealth after a lot of hardwork and time.


हीनसेवा न कर्तव्या कर्तव्यो महदाश्रयः ।
पयोऽपि शौण्डिकीहस्ते वारुणीत्यभिधीयते ॥ 

Hīnaseva na kartavya kartavyo mahadashrayah I
Payo api shaundikihaste varunityabhidhiyate 

Serving the vile should not be engaged in, one should serve the great.

For even milk in the hands of a tavern keeper is mistaken for liquor.



दुर्वृत्तः क्रियते धूर्तैः श्रीमानात्म विवृद्धये । 

किं नाम खल संसर्गः कुरुते नाश्रयाशवत् ॥ 49


Durvruttah kriyate dhurtaih shrimanatma vivruddhaye I

Kim nama khala samsargah kurute nashrayashavat


Wicked people lead good men into bad deeds for their own advantages.

Will not the company of wicked ones lead to downfall of the protector?


गुरुं प्रयोजनोद्देशादर्चयन्ति न भक्तितः ।
दुग्धदात्रीति गौर्गेहे पोष्यते न तु धर्मतः ॥


Gurum prayojanoddeshadarchayanti na bhaktitah I

Dugdhadatriti gaurgehe poshyate na to dharmatah


People worship Gurus to gain advantages not out of devotion.

Cows are taken care of for the milk they give, not out of Dharma.