तुष्यन्ति भोजने विप्राः मयूराः घनगर्जिते ।
साधवः परसम्पत्तौ खलाः परविपत्तिषु ॥ १4१6
bhojane viprah mayurah ghanagarjite I
parasampattau khalah paravipattishu ॥
Brahmins are appeased by sumptuous meals and peacocks by the
thunderous roar of clouds. Noble persons are happy on seeing the prosperity of
others whereas wicked persons are elated at the misfortune of others.
अविलम्बेन संसिद्धो मान्त्रिकैराप्यते यशः ।
विलम्बे कर्मबाहुल्यमं विख्याप्याऽवाप्यते धनम् ॥ १4१7
Avilambena samsiddho
mantrkairapyate yashah I
Vilambe karmabahulyam vikhyapya
avapyate dhanam ॥
gain fame due to the quickness of their act.
people earn their wealth after a lot of hardwork and time.
हीनसेवा न कर्तव्या कर्तव्यो महदाश्रयः ।
पयोऽपि शौण्डिकीहस्ते वारुणीत्यभिधीयते ॥ १4१८
Hīnaseva na kartavya kartavyo mahadashrayah I
Payo api shaundikihaste varunityabhidhiyate ॥
Serving the vile should
not be engaged in, one should serve the great.
For even milk in the hands of a tavern keeper is mistaken for liquor.
दुर्वृत्तः क्रियते धूर्तैः श्रीमानात्म विवृद्धये ।
किं नाम खल संसर्गः कुरुते नाश्रयाशवत् ॥ १4१9
Durvruttah kriyate
dhurtaih shrimanatma vivruddhaye I
Kim nama khala
samsargah kurute nashrayashavat ॥
Wicked people lead good men
into bad deeds for their own advantages.
Will not the company of
wicked ones lead to downfall of the protector?
गुरुं प्रयोजनोद्देशादर्चयन्ति
न भक्तितः ।
दुग्धदात्रीति गौर्गेहे पोष्यते न तु धर्मतः ॥ १4२०
Gurum prayojanoddeshadarchayanti
na bhaktitah I
Dugdhadatriti gaurgehe
poshyate na to dharmatah ॥
People worship Gurus to gain advantages
not out of devotion.
Cows are taken care of for the
milk they give, not out of Dharma.
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