शास्त्राण्यधीत्यापि भवन्ति मूर्खाः यस्तु क्रियावान् पुरुषः सविद्वान् ।
चौषधमातुराणां न नाममात्रेण करोत्यरोगम् ॥ १३9१
Shastranyadhityapi bhavanti murkhah
yastu kriyavan purushah savidvan ।
Suchintitam chaushadhamaturanam na namamatrena
karotyarogam ॥
A person though well versed in the various branches of study is still a fool,if he does not put it into practice. He who practices what he preaches is a genuine scholar. A mere mention of a drug will not cure an ailing person.
ददाति प्रतिगृह्णाति
गुह्यमाख्याति पृच्छति ।
भुङ्क्ते भोजयते चैव
षड्विधं प्रीतिलक्षणम् ॥ १३9२
Dadati pratigruhnati guhyamakhyati pruchchati
Bhunkte bhojayate chaiva shadvidham
pritilakshnam ॥
Six types of affection are giving,
receiving, explaining in
confidence, enquiring, accepting food and
अहो नु कष्टं सततं प्रवासम् ततोऽतिकष्टः परगेहवासः ।
कष्टाधिका नीचजनस्य सेवा ततोऽतिकष्टा धनहीनता च ॥ १३9३
Aho nu kashtam satatam pravasam
tato atikashtah paragehavasah ।
Kashtdhika nichajanasya seva tato atikashta dhanahinata cha ॥
Oh, the misery of being away from home constantly, and even more painful is
residing in another’s home. Still more miserable is serving under a lowly
person and the most painful of all is the absence of money.
शक्तिं करोति संचारे शीतोष्णे मर्षयत्यपि ।
दीपयत्युदरे वह्निं दारिद्र्यं परमौषधम् ॥ १३94
Shaktim karoti sanchare shitoshne
marshayatyapi ।
Dipayatyudare vahnim daridryam
paramaushadham ॥
causes hardships, it gives poor people strength to bear cold and heat.
fire of hunger in the bellies keeps them fit. Poverty is the supreme medicine.
ययोरेव समं वित्तं ययोरेव समं बलम् ।
तयोर्विवादो मन्तव्यो नोत्तमाधमयोः क्वचित् ॥ १३95
Yayoreva samam vittam yayoreva samam balam ।
Tayor vivado mantavyo nottamadhamayoh kvachit ॥
Only between those who
are equal in wealth or strength can there be
meaningful arguments not between the best and the worst.
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