अशोच्य: शोचते शोच्यं किं वा शोच्यो न शोच्यते ।
कस्येह शोच्योऽस्ति देहेऽस्मिन् बुद्बुदोपमे ॥ १4११
Ashochyah shochate shochyam
kim va shochyo na shochyate ।
Kashcha kasyeha shochyo asti dehe asmin budbudopame ॥
The soul that is not to be felt sorry for is
grieved, why not grieve for that which is pitiable, the body. But why is it that
what should be grieved for is neglected? The body deserves to be grieved for,
as it is evanescent like a bubble?
मूर्खेषु रौद्रसाहसिकेषु च ।
न मैत्रीमाचरेद् बुध: ॥ १4१२
Avalipteshu murkheshu
raudrasahasikeshu cha ।
Tathaivapetadharmeshu na maitrimachared budhah ॥
A wise man should never
cultivate friendship with those who are haughty,
foolish, fierce, rash and
likewise devoid of dharmic values.
आत्मनश्च परेषां च यः समीक्ष्य बलाबलम् ।
अन्तरं नैव जानाति स तिरस्क्रियतेऽरिभिः ॥ १4१३
Atmanashcha paresham cha yah samikshya
balābalam ।
Antaram naiva janati sa tiraskriyate aribhih ॥
One who has analysed strengths
and weaknesses of his own and that of his
enemies, but cannot grasp
the differences, will be scorned by his enemies.
बन्धु को नाम दुष्टानां कुप्येत् को नाति याचितः I
को न हृष्यति वित्तेन कुकृत्ये को न पण्डितः II
Bandhu ko nama dushtanam
kupyet ko nati yachitah I
Ko na hrushyati vittena kukrutye ko na panditah ॥
Who is a friend of the
wicked? Who will not get angry of excessive se ekers?
Who is not proud of his
wealth? Who is not an expert in carrying out evil deeds?
आचारः प्रथमो धर्मः इत्येतद्
विदुषाः वचः ।
तस्माद् रक्षेत् सदाचारम्
प्राणेभ्योऽपि विशेषतः ॥ १4१5
Acharah prathamo dharmah ityetad vidushah vachah
Tasmad rakshet sadacharam pranebhyo api
visheshatah ॥
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