Saturday, 31 August 2019

यस्मिन् जीवति जीवन्ति बहव: स तु जीवति
काकोऽपि किं न कुरूते चञ्च्वा स्वोदरपूरणम् ६६

Yasmin jivati jivanti bahavah sa tu jivati
Kako api kim na kurute chanchva svodarapuranam

He really lives who lives because of his life, many others live.
What does even a crow not do to fill its stomach with its beak?

संरोहति अग्नीना दग्धं वनं परशुना हतम्
वाचा दुरुक्तम् वीभत्सं न संरोहति वाक्शतम्  
Samrohati angina dagdham vanam parashuna hatam
Vacha duruktam vibhatsam na samrohati vakshatam

A forest which gets destroyed by fire by cutting with an axe, will rise up again.
But the wound caused by bad and harsh words will never get healed.

चिता चिन्तासमा हि उक्तम् बिन्दुमात्रविशेषत:  
सजीवं दहते चिन्ता निर्जीवं दहते चिता

Chita chintasama hi uktam bindumatravisheshatah
Sajivam dahate chinta nirjivam dahate chita

Chita(dead body) and chinta(worry) are differentiated by a ‘n’ sound.
Chinta buries one who is alive, chita is the burning of a dead body.

खल: सर्षपमात्राणि पराच्छिद्राणि पश्यति
आत्मनो बिल्वमात्राणि पश्यन्नपि न पश्यति

Khalah sarshamatrani parachchidrani pashyati
Atmano bilvamatrani pashyannapi na pashyati

A wicked person will notice bad qualities as small as a mustard seed in others.
Even a fault as big as a bilva tree in his own self he does not see.

कश्चित् कस्यचिन्मित्रं, न कश्चित् कस्यचित् रिपु:
अर्थतस्तु निबध्यन्ते  मित्राणि रिपुवस्तथा ॥ ७०

Kashchit kasyachinmitram na kashchit kasyachit ripuh
Arthatastu nibadhyante mitrani ripustatha

Friends or enemies are not there any how.
Only when there is work to be carried out, friends or enemies crop up.

Friday, 30 August 2019

स्थानस्थितानि पूज्यंते पूज्यंते च पदे स्थिताः ।
स्थानभ्रष्टा न पूज्यंते कुशा दंता नखा नराः ॥

Sthanasthitani pujyante pujyante cha pade sthitah 
Sthanabhrashta na pujyante kusha danta nakha narah 

Things which are in their useful positions are respected but are not respected
if out of place. Like holy grass, teeth and nails.

वरं एको गुणी पुत्रो न च मूर्खशतान्यपि ।
एकश्चंद्रस्तमो हन्ति न च तारागणोऽपि च ॥

Varam eko gunee putro na cha murkhashatanyapi 
Ekashchandrastamo hanti na cha taragano api cha 

It is better to have one son with good values than having a hundred
foolish sons. Darkness is removed by one moon and not by a group of stars.

विक्लवो वीर्यहीनो यः स दैवमनुवर्तते ।
न दैवं पर्युपासन्ते वीराः संभावितात्मनः ॥

Viklavo viryahino yah sa daivamanuvartate 
Na daivam paryupasante virah sambhavitatmanah 

A timid, powerless person believes in God given fortune.
A powerful person with self esteem does not depend on luck

पदाहतं सदुत्थाय मूर्धानमधिरोहति 
स्वस्थादेवावमानेपि देहिनस्वद्वरं रज:  
Padahatam sadutthaya murdhanamadhirohati 
Svasthadevabamanepi dehinasvadvaram rajah 

Dust particle which raises up when disturbed by foot movement is
better than a person who sits calmly in spite of being insulted.

समानी व आकूति: समाना हृदयानि व:  
समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा व: सुसहासति  

Samani va akuti samana hrudayani vah 
Samanamastu vo mano yatha vah susahasati 

Let your conclusions be alike, let your hearts be the same.
Let your minds think alike to make the group a successful one.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

यथा पुमान्न स्वांगेषु शिरः पाण्यादिषु क्वचित् ।
पारक्यबुद्धिं कुरुते एवं भूतेषु मत्परः ॥

Yatha pumanna svangeshu shirah panyadishu kvachith
Parakyabuddhim kurute evam bhuteshu matparah

Just as a person considers his body parts such as his head, arms etc. as his own, a person who is aware considers all beings of the world as his own.

जन्मैश्वर्यश्रुतश्रीभिरेधमानमदः पुमान् ।
नैवार्हत्यभिधातुम् वै त्वामकिंचनगोचरम् ॥ ५७

Janmaishwaryashrutashribhiredhamanamadah puman
Naivarhatyabhidhatum vai tvamakinchanagocharam

Birth in good family, wealth, education, all intoxicate men.
Such persons cannot see God who can be seen only by the dispossessed.

यथा खरश्चंदनभारवाही भारस्य वेत्ता न तु चंदनस्य ।
तथैव लोका बहुशास्त्रयुक्ताः धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥ ५८

Yatha kharashchandanabharavahi bharasya veta na tu chandanasya
Tathaiva loka bahushastrayuktah dharmena hinah pashubhih samanah

Just like the donkey carrying a load of sandalwood knows only the weight of it and not the value of sandalwood, people who study many scriptures without understanding their essence are mere animals.

शत्रोरपि गुणा वाच्या दोषा वाच्या गुरोरपि ।
सर्वदा सर्वयत्नेन पुत्रे शिष्यवदाचरेत् ॥ ५९

Shatrorapi guna vachya dosha vachya gurorapi
Sarvada sarvayatnena putre shishyavadacharet

Recognise good qualities even if found in the enemy. Recognise faults
found in the teacher. At all times make efforts to treat your son as a student.

गोशतादपि गोक्षीरं प्रस्थं धान्यशतादपि ।
प्रासादादपि खट्टार्धं शेषाः परविभूतयः ॥

Goshatadapi gokshiram prastham dhanyashatadapi
Prasadadapi khattardham shoshah paravibhutayah

Even having a hundred cows, you need only a little milk. With a hundred granaries, you need only a plateful of food. Even in a palace, you need only half a bed. Treat all the rest as belonging to others.

Monday, 26 August 2019

यदीच्छसि वशीकर्तुं जगदेकेन कर्मणा ।
परापवादसस्येभ्यो गां चरन्तीं निवारय ॥ ५१

Yadicchasi vashikartum jagadekena karmana
Parapavadasasyebhyo gam charantim nivaraya

If you want to conquer the world with one action, it is to prevent
the cow in you that feasts on the grass of blaming others.

नालसाः प्राप्तुवन्त्यर्थान न शठा न च मायिनः ।
न च लोकरवाद्भीता न च शश्वत्प्रतीक्षिणः ॥

Nalasah praptuvantyarthana shattha na cha mayinah
Na cha lokaravadbhita na cha shasvatpratikshinah

A lazy person cannot acquire wealth, nor a wicked person or a rogue.
Not also one who is worried about others’ reactions nor the one who waits
for the right opportunities.

स्वाधीनं समतिक्रम्य मातरं पितरं गुरुम् ।
अस्वाधीनं कथं दैवं प्रकारैरभिराध्यते ॥

Svadhinam samatikramya mataram pitaram gurum
Asvadhinam katham daivam rakarairabhiradhyate

Mother, father and teacher are Gods in our presence.
How can worship a God whom we cannot even see?

सर्वेषामेव शौचानाम् अर्थशौचं परं स्मृतम् ।
योऽर्थे शुचिर्हि स शुचिर्न मृद्वारिशुचिः शुचिः ॥ ५४

Sarveshameva shauchanam arthashaucham param smrutam
Yo arthe shuchrhi sa shuchirna mrudvarishuchih shuchih

Among all types of cleanliness, being clean in finance is the utmost.
One who is clean in finance is the cleanest with respect to others
who are clean in body, clothes etc.

गिरीन्द्रशिखराकारो लीलयोन्मूलितद्रुमः ।
करिणिस्पर्शसंमोहादालानं याति वारणः ॥ ५५

Girindrashikharakaro lilayonmulitadrumah
Karinisparshasammohadalanam yati varanah

A bull elephant mammoth like a hill is capable of uprooting trees easily.
He can be controlled easily because of his longing for the touch of a cow elephant.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

वचस्तत्र प्रयोक्तव्यं यत्रोक्तं लभते फलम् ।

स्थायीभवति चात्यंतं रागः शुक्लपटे यथा ॥

Vachastatra prayoktavyam yatroktam labhate phalam
Sthayibhavati chatyantam ragah shuklapate yatha

Speak only what is appropriate and which will yield results and has an enduring effect. Any colour painted on white cloth will show up better.

श्वः कार्यमद्य कुर्वीत पूर्वाह्णे चापराह्णकम् ।

न हि प्रतीक्षते मृत्युः कृतमस्य न वा कृतम् ॥ ४७

Shvah karyamadya kurvita purvahne chaparahnakam
Na hi pratikshate mrutyuh krutamasya na va krutam

Do today what has to be done tomorrow. Do in the morning what has to be
done in the afternoon. Death does not wait to see if one has done one’s work or not.

यो ध्रुवाणि परित्यज्य अध्रुवाणि निषेवते ।

ध्रुवाणि तस्य नश्यन्ति अध्रुवं नष्टमेव च ॥ ४८

Yo dhruvani parityajya adhruvani nishevate
Dhruvani tasya nashyanti adhruvam nashtameva cha

One who gives up the permanent and goes after the transient will
lose the permanent. Transient is anyway a lost cause.

भद्रं भद्रं कृतं मौनं कोकिलैर्जलदागमे

वक्तारो दर्दुराः यत्र तत्र मौनं हि शोभते ll ४९ 

Bhadram bhadram krutam maunam kokilairjaladagame
Vaktaro durdarah yatra tatra maunam hi shobhate

The cuckoo is determined to be silent at the onset of rains.
When there is cacophony of frogs, silence is the best policy.

यद्युच्चैरपि न परानुपकुरुषे तन्मृषैव ते जन्म ।

यदि नैष जनितवर्षः को नाम पयोधरोत्कर्ष: ॥ ५०

Yadyuchchairapi na paranupakurushe tanmrushaiva te janma
Yadi naisha janitavarshah ko nama payodharotkarshah

If one has reached high status but does not help others, one’s life
is wasted. What is use of a cloud going high in the sky, if it does not produce rain?