Friday, 9 August 2019

अहो साहजिकं प्रेम दूरादपि विराजते ।

चकोरनयनद्वन्द्वमाह्लादयति चन्द्रमाः ॥

Aho sahajikam prema duradapi virajate
Chakoranayanadvandvamahladayati chandrama

Natural love flourishes even from a distance.
The Chakora bird and the moon take pleasure in eying each other.

प्राप्य चलनधिकारान् शत्रुषु मित्रेषु बंधुवर्गेषु ।

नापकृतं नोपकृतं न सत्कृतं किं कृतं तेन ॥

Prapya chalanadhikaran shatrushu mitreshu bandhuvargeshu
Napakrutam nopakrutam na satkrutam kim krutam tena

If one has power, usually temporary, use it against enemies, for friends and to help relatives. If it cannot be used for bad action against enemies, to help and for doing good what can it be used for?

सकृत् कंदुकपातेन पतत्यार्यः पतन्नपि ।

तथा पतति मूर्खास्तु मृत्पिण्डपतनं यथा ॥ ३३

Sakrut kandukapatena patatyaryah patannapi
Tatha patati murkhastu mrutpindapatanam yatha

When a virtuous person falls down, he bounces back as a ball does
When a fool falls down, he will be like a lump of mud falling.

सुमंत्रिते सुविक्रांते सुकृतौ सुविचारिते ।

प्रारंभे कृतबुद्धीनां सिद्धिरव्यभिचारिणी ॥

Sumantrite suvikrante sukrutau suvicharite
Prarambhe krytabuddhinam siddhiravyabhicharini

Well planned, thorough, well executed work done after consulting
Knowledgeable people is sure to succeed.

अभ्रच्छाया तृणाग्निश्च खले प्रीतिः स्थले जलम् ।

वेश्यासक्तिः कुमित्रं च षडेते बुद्बुदोपमाः ॥

Abhrachchaya trunagnishcha khale pritih sthale jalam
Veshyasaktih kumitram cha shadete budbudopamah

As transient as a bubble are these six things, shade of a cloud, fire in the grass,affection of a rogue, water spilled on the ground, attention of a prostitute and a bad friend

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