हस्ति स्थूलतरः स चांकुशवशः किं हस्तिमात्रोंऽकुश:
दीपे प्रज्वलिते प्रणश्यति तमः किं दीपमात्रं
तमः ।
वज्रेणापि हताः पतन्ति गिरयः किं वज्रमात्रो
तेजो यस्य विराजते स वलवान् स्थूलेषु कः
प्रत्ययः ॥ २२६
Hasti sthulatarah sa chankushavashah kim hastimatro
Deepe prajvalite pranashyati tamah kim deepamatram tamah ।
Vajrenapi hatah patanti girayah kim vajramatro girih
Tejo yasya virajate sa balavan sthuleshu kah pratyayah ॥
An elephant is huge but is controlled by a hook. Is the
hook the same size
As the elephant? A lamp dispels darkness, are the lamp
and darkness same in size? Diamond tools can fell hills, are diamond and hills the
same size? A person with brilliance Is a strong man, what has size to do with success?
सकृदपि दृष्ट्वा
विबुधा जानन्ति सारतां तस्य ।
निपुणाः पलप्रमाणं विजानन्ति ॥ २२७
Sakrudapi drushtva vibudha jananti saratam
tasya ।
Hastatulyapi nipunah palapramanam vijananti
Wise men can know the character of a person
by meeting him only once.
Skilled traders can guess the weights of
many items just by holding them
In their hands.
क्व शरीरमशेषाणां
श्लेषादीनां महाचयः ।
कान्तिशोभासौन्दर्यरमणियादयो गुणाः ॥ २२८
Kva shariramasheshanam shleshadinam
mahachayah ।
Kva kantishobhasaundaryaramaniyadayo gunah ॥
On one side, we have the body full of
impurities and imperfections.
On the other, we have attributes like
brilliance, beauty, enchantment etc.
The two are worlds apart.
शास्त्रं भारो ज्ञानं च रागिणः ।
अशान्तस्य मनो
भारः भारोऽनात्मविदो वपुः ॥ २२९
Bharo avivekanah shastram bharo jnanam cha
raginah ।
Ashantasya mano bharah bharo anatmavido
vapuh ॥
An idiot finds scriptures heavy, a pleasure
seeker finds knowledge heavy,
A restless man finds his mind heavy, a man
who does not know his soul finds his body heavy.
आत्मा जेयः सदा
राज्ञा ततो जेयाश्च शत्रवः ।
नरपतिर्विजयेत कथं रिपून् ॥ २३०
Atma jeyah sada rajna tato jeyashcha
shatravah ।
Ajitatma narapatirvijayeta katham ripun ॥
O king, one must win over senses, only then
can one win over enemies.
How can a king who cannot master his senses
win over the enemy?
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