Thursday, 8 August 2019

हस्ति स्थूलतरः स चांकुशवशः किं हस्तिमात्रोंऽकुश:

दीपे प्रज्वलिते प्रणश्यति तमः किं दीपमात्रं तमः ।

वज्रेणापि हताः पतन्ति गिरयः किं वज्रमात्रो गिरिः

तेजो यस्य विराजते स वलवान् स्थूलेषु कः प्रत्ययः ॥ २२

Hasti sthulatarah sa chankushavashah kim hastimatro ankushah
Deepe prajvalite pranashyati tamah kim deepamatram tamah
Vajrenapi hatah patanti girayah kim vajramatro girih
Tejo yasya virajate sa balavan sthuleshu kah pratyayah

An elephant is huge but is controlled by a hook. Is the hook the same size
As the elephant? A lamp dispels darkness, are the lamp and darkness same in size? Diamond tools can fell hills, are diamond and hills the same size? A person with brilliance Is a strong man, what has size to do with success?

सकृदपि दृष्ट्वा विबुधा जानन्ति सारतां तस्य ।
हस्ततुल्यापि निपुणाः पलप्रमाणं विजानन्ति ॥ २२

Sakrudapi drushtva vibudha jananti saratam tasya
Hastatulyapi nipunah palapramanam vijananti

Wise men can know the character of a person by meeting him only once.
Skilled traders can guess the weights of many items just by holding them
In their hands.

क्व शरीरमशेषाणां श्लेषादीनां महाचयः ।
क्व कान्तिशोभासौन्दर्यरमणियादयो गुणाः ॥ २२

Kva shariramasheshanam shleshadinam mahachayah
Kva kantishobhasaundaryaramaniyadayo gunah

On one side, we have the body full of impurities and imperfections.
On the other, we have attributes like brilliance, beauty, enchantment etc.
The two are worlds apart.

भारोऽविवेकनः शास्त्रं भारो ज्ञानं च रागिणः ।
अशान्तस्य मनो भारः भारोऽनात्मविदो वपुः ॥ २२

Bharo avivekanah shastram bharo jnanam cha raginah
Ashantasya mano bharah bharo anatmavido vapuh

An idiot finds scriptures heavy, a pleasure seeker finds knowledge heavy,
A restless man finds his mind heavy, a man who does not know his soul finds his body heavy.

आत्मा जेयः सदा राज्ञा ततो जेयाश्च शत्रवः ।
अजितात्मा नरपतिर्विजयेत कथं रिपून् ॥

Atma jeyah sada rajna tato jeyashcha shatravah
Ajitatma narapatirvijayeta katham ripun

O king, one must win over senses, only then can one win over enemies.
How can a king who cannot master his senses win over the enemy?

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