अभिमानो धनंयेषां चिरजीवन्ति ते जनाः ।
अभिमानविहीनानां किं धनेन किमायुषा ॥ 916
dhanam yeShaam chirajeevanti te janaah ।
kim dhanena kimaayuShaa ॥
Those for whom self respect is wealth live longer.
Without self-respect
what is the
use of either wealth or longevity?
मृद्घट इव
सुखभेद्यो दुःसन्धानश्च दुर्जनो भवति ।
सुजनस्तु कनकघट इव
दुर्भेदः सुकरसन्धिश्च ॥ 917
Mudghata iva
sukhabhedyo dusandhanashcha durjano bhavati ।
kanakaghata iva durbhedah sukarasandhishcha ॥
Like a mud pot a wicked man is broken easily but reunited with difficulty whereas a good man is difficult to be broken but reunited easily like a gold pot.
संपूर्णकुंभो न करोति शब्दं अर्धोघटो
घोषमुपैति नूनम् ।
विद्वान् कुलीनो न करोति गर्वं
गुणैर्विहीना बहु जल्पयंति ॥ 918
Sampurnakumbho na karoti shabdam ardhoghato ghoshamupaiti
nunam ।
Vidvan kulino na karoti garvam gunairvihina bahu
jalpayanti ॥
A fully filled jug of water will not
create noise, while a half-filled jug makes a lot of
Educated people remain calm while people less educated keep on boasting.
अन्तःकरणतत्त्वस्य दम्पत्योः
स्नेहसंश्रयात् ।
आनन्दग्रन्थिरेकोऽयमपत्यमिति कथ्यते
॥ 919
dampatyoh snehasamshrayat ।
ayamapatyamiti kathyate ॥
Hearts and minds of husband and wife are are joined by
the pleasant and
agreeable knot, the child, which is the common object of
their affections.
ग्रहाणां चरितं स्वप्नो निमित्तान्युपवाचिकम् ।
फलन्ति काकतालीयं तेभ्यः प्राज्ञा न बिभ्यति ॥ 920
Grahanam charitam svapno
nimittanyupavachikam ।
Phalanti kakataliyam tebhyah prajna na
bibhyate ॥
of planets, dreams, omens depend on the Kaka-Taliya
Wisemen who are aware are not scared of them.
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