Friday, 14 May 2021

 अभिमानो धनंयेषां चिरजीवन्ति ते जनाः ।

अभिमानविहीनानां किं धनेन किमायुषा ॥ 916

abhimaano dhanam yeShaam chirajeevanti te janaah
abhimaanaviheenaanaam kim dhanena kimaayuShaa

Those for whom self respect is wealth live longer. Without self-respect

what is the use of either wealth or longevity?


मृद्घट इव सुखभेद्यो दुःसन्धानश्च दुर्जनो भवति ।

सुजनस्तु कनकघट इव दुर्भेदः सुकरसन्धिश्च ॥ 917


Mudghata iva sukhabhedyo dusandhanashcha durjano bhavati

Sunastu kanakaghata iva durbhedah sukarasandhishcha


Like a mud pot a wicked man is broken easily but reunited with difficulty whereas a good man is difficult to be broken but reunited easily like a gold pot.


संपूर्णकुंभो न करोति शब्दं अर्धोघटो घोषमुपैति नूनम् ।

विद्वान् कुलीनो न करोति गर्वं गुणैर्विहीना बहु जल्पयंति ॥ 918


Sampurnakumbho na karoti shabdam ardhoghato ghoshamupaiti nunam

Vidvan kulino na karoti garvam gunairvihina bahu jalpayanti


A fully filled jug of water will not create noise, while a half-filled jug makes a lot of

noise. Educated people remain calm while people less educated keep on boasting.


अन्तःकरणतत्त्वस्य दम्पत्योः स्नेहसंश्रयात् ।

आनन्दग्रन्थिरेकोऽयमपत्यमिति कथ्यते ॥ 919


Antahkaranatattvasya dampatyoh snehasamshrayat

Anandagranthireko ayamapatyamiti kathyate


Hearts and minds of husband and wife are are joined by the pleasant and

agreeable knot, the child, which is the common object of their affections.


ग्रहाणां चरितं स्वप्नो निमित्तान्युपवाचिकम् ।

फलन्ति काकतालीयं तेभ्यः प्राज्ञा न बिभ्यति ॥ 920


Grahanam charitam svapno nimittanyupavachikam

Phalanti kakataliyam tebhyah prajna na bibhyate


Movement of planets, dreams, omens depend on the Kaka-Taliya

principle. Wisemen who are aware are not scared of them.

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