दृष्टिपूतं न्यसेत्पादं वस्त्रपूतं जलं पिबेत् ।
सत्यपूतां वदेद्वाणीं मनःपूतं समाचरेत् ॥ ५५५
Drushtiputam nyasetpadam vastraputam
jalam pibet ।
Satyaputam vadedvanim manahputam
samacharet ॥
Take a step after seeing the ground,
drink water filtered with a cloth,
Utter words that are truthful and do
your deeds with a clear mind.
कायेन कुरुते पापं मनसा सम्प्रधार्य च ।
अनृतं जिह्वया चाह त्रिविधं कर्म पातकम् ॥ ५५६
Kayena kurute papam manasa
sampradharya cha ।
Anrutam jihvaya chaha trividham karma
patakam ॥
A sin is committed by the body after being
conceived by the mind
and after a lie is spoken by the
tongue. This is triple degradation.
मनीषिणः सन्ति न ते हितैषिणः हितैषिणः सन्ति न ते
मनीषिणः ।
सुहृच्च विद्वानपि दुर्लभो नृणां यथौषधं स्वादु च
दुर्लभम् ॥ ५५७
Maneeshinah santi na te hitaishinah hitaishinah santi na
te maneeshinah ।
Suhruccha vidvanapi durlabho nrunam yathaushadham svadu
cha durlabham ॥
Knowledgeable people are there but they are not
well-wishers. Well wishers are there but they are not knowledgeable. Learned
and kind people are rare just like effective medicine which is palatable.
अश्वः शस्त्रं शास्त्रं वीणा वाणी नरश्च नारी च ।
पुरुषविशेषं प्राप्ता भवत्ययोग्याश्च योग्याश्च ॥
Ashvah shastram shastram vina vani narashcha nari cha ।
Purushavishesham prapta bhavatyayogyashcha yogyashcha ॥
Horse, weapon, Shastras, Vina, speech, man and women
all get moulded good or bad as per company.
न वित्तं दर्शयेत्प्राज्ञः कस्य चित्स्वल्पमप्यहो ।
मुनेरपि वनस्थस्य मनश्चलति दर्शनात् ॥ ५५९
Na vittam darshyetprajnah kasya chitsvalpamapyaho ।
Munerapi vanasthasya manashchalati darshanat ॥
People who are aware should not display their wealth however little.
Even minds of sadhus in forests will get disturbed by seeing it.
पन्था देयो ब्राह्मणाय गवे राज्ञे ह्यचक्षुषे ।
वृद्धाय भारतप्ताय गर्भिण्यै दुर्बलाय च ॥ ५६०
Pantha deyo brahmanaya gave rajne hyachakshushe |
Vruddhaya bharataptaya garbhinai durbalaya cha ||
Give way to a Brahmin, cows, king, blind, elderly,
one carrying weight, pregnant women and weaklings.
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