विद्यां वित्तं शिल्पं तावन्नाप्नोति मानवः सम्यक् ।
यावद् व्रजति न भूमौ देशाद् देशान्तरं हृष्टः ॥ ५४६
Vidyam vittam shilpam tavannapnoti
manavah samyak ।
Yavad vrajati na bhumau deshad
deshantaram hrushtah ॥
A man will not attain proper education,
wealth, knowledge of fine arts
until he
travels from country to countries of the world.
dvidhaa kartum bahava: santi dhanvina: ।
DhanvI sa mara evaiko dvayo: aikya: karoti ya: ॥
DhanvI sa mara evaiko dvayo: aikya: karoti ya: ॥
are many archers who can split one thing into two. But there
is only
one archer, Manmatha, who unites two into one.
न धनी न बली नापि शूरो न गुणवानपि ।
तथा भाति यथा वक्ता सभायां पिकवद्वने ॥ ५४८
Na dhani na bali na shuro na
gunavanapi ।
Tatha bhati yatha vakta sabhayam
pikavadvane ॥
Not rich, not strong, not brave, not
even virtuous, a person who
can talk will shine in assemblies like
a nightingale in the forest
अपक्वे तु घटे नीरे चालन्यां सूक्ष्म पिष्टकम् ।
स्त्रीणां च हृदयं वार्ता न तिष्ठति कदापि हि ॥ ५४९
Apakve tu ghate nire chalanyam sukshma
pishtakam ।
Strinam cha hrudaye varta na tishtati
kadapi hi ॥
Water kept in a raw unfired pot, fine
flour in a sieve, news
Women’s hearts will not remain there
for long.
मान्त्रिकास्तु भविष्यामो योगिनो यतियोऽपि
वा ॥ ५५०
Yadi na kva api vidyayam
sarvathakramate matih ।
Mantrikastu bhavishyamo yogino yatiyo
api va ॥
If for some reason my intellect does
not help me get educated,
I will, in future become a magician,
yogi or a saint.
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