कृषितो नास्ति
दुर्भिक्षं जपतो नास्ति पातकम् ।
मौनतः कलहो
नास्ति नास्ति जागरतो भयम् ॥ ५७१
Krushito nasti durbhiksham japato nasti
patakam ।
Maunatah kalaho nasti nasti jagarato bhayam
For one who grows food there is no famine,
for one who prays there is no hell
For one who is silent there is no quarrel
and for one who is awake there is no fear.
मनुष्येण परिचर्याः प्रयत्नतः ।
च गुरुश्च भरतर्षभः ॥ ५७२
Panchagnayo manushyena paricharyah prayatnatah ।
Pitamatagniratma cha gurushcha
bharatarshabhah ॥
There are five Agnis for a man to tender
with care.
Father, mother, fire, one’s soul and
teacher, O Prince!
सर्वान् धृतानार्हुमनीषिणः ।
एकतश्च त्रयो राजन्
गृहस्ताश्रम एकतः ॥ ५७३
Ashramastulaya sarvan dhrutanarhumanishinah
Ekatashcha trayo rajan gruhatashram ekatah ॥
If the four stages of a person
(Brahmacharya, Gruhastha, Vanaprastha & Sanyasa) are weighed in a scale, O King,
Gruhasthashrama will be on one side with the next three on the other.
पादाग्रे काचः शिरसि धार्यते ।
वेलायां काचः काचो मणिर्मणिः ॥ ५७४
Manirluntthati padagre kachah shirasi
dharyate ।
Krayavikraya velayam kachah kacho manirmanih
A gem gets stuck under the foot, a piece of
glass is worn on the head.
At the time of buying and selling, glass is
glass and a jewel is jewel.
न लक्ष्यते गतिः सम्यग्घनस्य च धनस्य च ॥ ५७५
Kuta agatya ghatate vighatya kva nu yati
cha ।
Na lakshyate gatih samyagghanasya cha
dhanasya cha ॥
From where does it come and having come
where does it go?
The movement is not seen clearly, either that
of a cloud or that of money.
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