Saturday, 28 September 2019

स्वस्योन्नतेषु जनितं हृदि कोपवेगं निघ्ने प्रदर्शयति भृत्यजने मनुष्यः ।

श्वश्रूगतं हृदयवर्धितमात्मकोपं भाण्डे प्रदर्शयति हस्तगते वधूटी ॥

Svasyonnateshu janitam hrudi kopavegam nighne pradarshayati bhrutyajane manushyah
Svashrugatam hrudayavardhitamatmakopam bhande pradarshayati hastagate vadhuti

A man angry with his superiors shows his anger on servants dependent on him.
The daughter-in-law angry with her mother-in-law shows her anger on the pot in hand.

अलभ्यं लब्धुकामस्य जनस्य मतिरीदृशी  

अलभ्येषु मनस्तापः सञ्चितार्थो विनश्यति ॥ ३४७

Alabhyam labdhukamasya janasya matiridrushi
Alabhyeshu manastapah sanchitartho vinashyati

One who aspires to attain the unattainable undergoes mental torment for not
achieving his goal to such an extent that whatever he has attained also gets lost.

एकोऽहमस्मीति च मन्यसे त्वं न हृच्छयं वेत्सि मुनिं पुराणम् ।

यो वेदिता कर्मणः पापकस्य तस्यान्तिके त्वं वृजिनं करोषि ॥ ३४

Eko ahamasmiti cha manyase tvam na hrucchayam vetsi munim puranam
Yo vedita karmanah papakasya tasyantike tvam vrujinam karoshi

You may commit sin thinking you are alone but you cannot ignore the divine force In your heart which is aware of every sinful act a man commits.

नासातो निर्गतस्यापि श्वासस्य च महामुने ।

प्रवेशे प्रत्ययो नास्ति प्रातरागमनं कुतः ॥ ३४९

Nasato nirgatasyapi shvasasya cha mahamune
Praveshe pratyayo nasti prataragamanm kutah

O, great saint! when there is no certainty that the breath coming out of
the nose will enter it again, what is the certainty that morning will arrive?

प्रायेण बान्धवसुहृत्प्रियसङ्गमादि सौदामनीस्फुरणचञ्चलमेव सौख्यम् । ३५०

Prayena bandhavasuhrutpriyasangamadi saudamanisphuranachanchalameva saukhyam 

Probably, the happiness arising out of meeting relatives, friends and dear ones is as fleeting as a flash of lightning.

Monday, 23 September 2019

जामातरो भागिनेया मातुला दारबान्धवाः  

अज्ञाता एव गृहिणां भक्षयन्त्याखुवद् गृहे ॥ ४१

Jamataro bhagineya matula darabandhavah
Ajnata eva gruhinam bhakshayantyakhuvad gruhe

Sons-in-law, sisters’ children, maternal uncles and relatives of the wife
will go on nibbling unnoticed like rats in the house of the householder.

महानदीप्रतरणं महापुरुषविग्रहम् ।

महाजनविरोधं च दूरतः परिवर्जयेत् ॥

Mahanadiprataranam mahapurushavigraham
Mahajanavirodham cha duratah parivarjayet

Swimming in a big river, quarreling with and opposing great men
should be avoided and kept at a distance.

विदुषां शासने तिष्ठन् नावमन्येत कञ्चन ।

सर्वस्यैवोपशृणुयात् सुभाशितजिघृक्षया ॥

Vidusham shasane tishtan navamanyeta kanchana
Sarvasyaivopashrunuyat subhashitajighrukshaya

Being under the guidance of wise men, do not look down on anyone.
Listen to everyone’s words to be able to catch good sayings.

निजसौख्यं निरुन्धानो यो धनार्जनमिच्छति ।

परार्थभारवाहीव क्लेशस्यैव हि भाजनम् ॥ ४४

Nijasaukhyam nirundhano yo dhanarjanamichchati
Pararthabharavahiva kleshasyaiva hi bhajanam

One who wants to earn money at the cost of his comforts will become
the object of suffering like a donkey which carries loads for others.

कल्पयति येन वृत्तिं येन च लोके प्रशस्यते सद्भिः

स गुणस्तेन च गुणिना रक्ष्यः संवर्धनीयश्च ॥ ४५

Kalpayati yena vruttim yena cha loke prashasyate sadbhih
Sa gunastena cha gunina rakshyah samvardhaniyashcha

One whose quality sustains his livelihood and which is praised by all
Should foster and protect that quality for his own development.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

यस्य माता गृहे नास्ति भार्या चाप्रियवादिनि ।

अरण्यं तेन गन्तव्यं यथारण्यं तथा गृहम् ॥ ३३

Yasya mata gruhe nasti bharya chapriyavadini
Aranyam tena gntavyam yatharanyam tatha gruham

One whose mother is not at home and whose wife speaks unpleasantly
should go to the forest because as is the forest so has become the house.

कालः पचति भूतानि कालः संहरते प्रजाः ।
कालः स्वप्नेषु जागर्ति कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः ॥ ३३

kalah pachati bhutani kalah samharate prajah
kalah svapneshu jagarti kalo hi duratikramah

Time makes beings tender, time controls people,
time is awake during dreams, time cannot be overcome

स्तोतारः के भविश्यति मूर्खस्य जगतीतले ।

न स्तौति चेत् स्वयं कस्तं तस्यास्तु निर्वृतिः ॥ ३३

Stotarah ke bhavishyati murkhasya jagatitale |
Na stauti chet svayam kastam tasyastu nirvruti ||

Where are the people in this world who praise an idiot?
Were he not to praise himself, where will he find contentment?

अस्तीत्येव कृषिं कुर्यादस्ति नास्तीति वाणिजम् ।

नास्तीत्येव ऋणं दद्यान्नहमस्मीति साहसम् ॥ ३३

Astityeva krushim kuryadasti nastiti vanijam |
Nastityeva runam dadyannahamsmiti sahasam ||

Do farming with the hope that there will be yield, do business with the thinking
that profits may or may not be there, give a loan with no hope of return, engage in adventure forgetting oneself.

सत्येन रक्ष्यते धर्मो विद्या योगेन रक्ष्यते ।

मृजया रक्ष्यते रूपं कुलं वृत्तेन रक्ष्यते ॥ ४०

Satyena rakshyate dharmo vidya yogena rakshyate
Mrujaya rakshyate rupam kulam vruttena rakshyate

Dharma is protected by truth, learning is protected by practice
Beauty is protected by make-up, noble birth by good conduct

Friday, 13 September 2019

पृथिवी रत्नसम्पूर्णा हिरण्यं पशवः स्त्रियः ।
नालमेकस्य तत्सर्वमिति मत्वा शमं व्रजेत् ॥ ३३

Pruthivi ratnasampurna hiranyam pashavah striyah
Nalamekasya tatsarvamiti matva shamam vrajet

If the earth rich in jewels, gold, animals and women are not enough
for one, one should disregard all these and adopt peace & forbearance

न जात्या ब्राह्मणश्चात्र क्षत्रियो वैश्य एव न ।
न शूद्रो न च वै म्लेच्छो भेदिता गुणकर्मिभिः ॥ ३३

Na jatya brahmanashchatra kshatriyo vaishya eva na
Na shudro na cha vai mleccho bhedita gunakarmibhih

There is no brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya, shudra or foreigner by birth.
All distinctions are based on values and actions of persons

जन्मना जायते शूद्रः संस्कारात् द्विज उच्यते ।
शापानुग्रहसामर्थ्यं तथा क्रोध प्रसन्नता ॥ ३३३

Janmana jayate shudrah samskarat dvija uchyate
Shapanugrahasamarthyam tatha krodha prasannata

By birth a Shudra, becomes a twice born(brahmin) due to sacraments.
The abilities to curse, bless, have capability and pleasantness are also acquired.

मान्यः कुलीनः कुलजात्कलावान् विद्वान् कलाज्ञाद् विदुषः सुशीलः ।

धनी सुशीलाद्धनिनोऽपि दाता दातुर्जीता कीर्तिर्याचकेन ॥ ३३

Manyah kulinah kulatkalavan vidvan kalajnad vidushah sushilah
Dhani sushiladdhanino api data daturjita kirtiyachakena

A well born one is worthy of respect, more than him is an artist, a scholar is higher, even higher is one with good conduct, a philanthropist even higher but above all is one who has never asked for anything from anyone.

न ह्येकः साधको हेतुं स्वल्पस्यपीह कर्मणः ।

यो ह्यर्थं बहुधा वैद स समर्थोऽर्थसाधने ॥ ३३

Na hyekah sadhako hetum svalpasyapiha karmanah

Yo hyartham bahudha vaida sa samartho arthasadhane

There is not one single resource for accomplishing even a simple task.
He who uses a multitude of ways will be in a position to succeed in his tasks

Thursday, 12 September 2019

प्रत्युपस्थितकालस्य सुखस्य परिवर्जनम् ।
अनागतसुखाशा च नैव बुद्धिमतां नयः ॥

Pratyupasthitakalasya sukhasya parivarjanam
Anagatasukhasha cha naiva buddhimatam nayah

Relinquishing present happiness and pursuit of future
happiness is never the policy of intelligent people.

पिशुनेभ्यो नमस्तेभ्यो यत्प्रसादान्नियोगिनः ।
दूरस्था अपि जायन्ते सहस्रश्रोत्रचक्षुषः ॥

Pishunebhyo namastebhyo yatprasadanniyoginah
Durastha api jayante sahasrashrotrachakshushah

Salutations to back biters, because of whom, the masters
even from far away possess a thousand ears and eyes.

मितं ददाति हि पिता मितं भ्राता मितं सुतः ।
अमितं प्रदातारं भर्तारं का न पूजयेत् ॥

Mitam dadati hi pita mitam bhrata mitam sutah
Amitam pradataram bhartaram ka na pujayet

The affection a woman gets from her father, brother and son is limited.
Which woman would not worship the husband who gives unlimited affection?

सहजं वपुरत्मियं पृथग्यत्र विलोक्यते ।
साक्षान्मृत्यादिके तत्र किं स्वकियं गृहादिकम् ॥

Sahajam vapuratmiyam pruthagyatra vilokyate
Sakshanmrutyadike tatra kim svakiyam gruhadikam

When by nature, even the familiar body appears distinct from one
at the time of death, how can one call such things as house etc. one’s own?

अप्राप्तकालं वचनं बृहस्पतिरपि ब्रुवन् ।
लभते बुद्ध्यवज्ञानवमानं च भारत ॥ ३३

Apraptakalam vachanam bruhaspatirapi bruvan
Labhate buddhyavajnavamanam cha bharata

Oh Bharata, even if Bruhaspati were to utter words at the wrong time,
he will be accused of being ignorant and insulting.