Wednesday, 11 September 2019

आपदामापन्तीनां हितोऽप्यायाति हेतुताम् ।
मातृजङ्घा हि वत्सस्य स्तम्भीभवति बन्धने ॥

Apadamapantinam  hito apyayati hetutam
Matrujangha hi vatsasya stambhibhavati bandhane

When one faces calamities, even well-wishers are blamed as causes.
It is the mother cow whose leg is used for tying her calf.

पृष्ठस्य दर्शनं येन कारितं कातरात्मना ।
जीवन्मृतस्य तस्यान्यत् क्रियतां किं मनस्विना ॥ २२

Prushtasya darshanam yena karitam kataratmnaa
Jivanmrutasya tasyanyat kriyatam kim manasvina

What can a high-minded person do to a coward who is
dead even when alive and shows his back side.

यथा ह्यानास्वादयितुं न शक्यं जिह्वातलस्य मधु वा विषं वा ।
अर्थस्तथा ह्यर्थचरेण राज्ञः स्वल्पोऽप्यनास्वादयितुं न शक्यः ॥

Yatha hyanasvadayitum na shakyam jihvatalasya madhu va visham va
Arthastatha hyarthacharena rajnah svalpo apyanasvadayitum na shakyah

Just as it is not possible to avoid tasting honey or poison kept on the tongue,
It is not possible to avoid misusing money by financial officers of the kingdom.

मृतस्य कीर्त्या किं कार्यं भस्मीभूतस्य देहिनः ।
मृतः कीर्तिं न जानीते जीवन् कीर्तिं समश्नुते ॥

Mrutasya kirtya kim karyam bhasmibhutasya dehinah
Mrutah kirtim na janite jivan kirtim samushnute

What use is fame for a dead person whose body is burnt to ashes.
Dead do not know fame, it is the living who enjoy it.

पुरःफलायामाशायां जनः कामं विडम्बते ।
आसन्ने हि घनारम्भे द्विगुणं रौति चातकः ॥

Purah phalayamashayam janah kamam vidambate |
Asanne hi ghanarambhe dvigunam rauti chatakah

When what one wished for seems near fruition, people become all the more eager. When rains are about to set in, Chataka bird coos with double loudness.

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