Thursday, 5 September 2019

देहस्य दूषणं तन्द्रा कुमन्त्री राज्यदूषणम् ।
रूपस्य दूषणं जाड्यं अधर्मं नरदूषणम् ॥ ९१

Dehasya dushanam tandra kumantri rajyadushanam
Rupasya dushanam jadyam adharmam naradushanam

The fault in the body is laziness, the fault in a kingdom is a bad minister,
the fault in beauty is sluggishness and the fault in a man is bad principles.

न जातु कामः कामानामुपभोगेन शाम्यति ।
हविषा कृष्णवर्त्मैव भूय एवाभिवर्धते ॥

Na jatu kamah kamanamupabhogena shamyati
Havisha krushnavartmaiva bhuya evabhivardhate

Desire is not extinguished by satisfying the desire.
Desire only grows stronger like a fire fed with ghee.

कुतो निद्रा दरिद्रस्य परप्रेष्यकरस्य च ।
परनारीप्रसक्तस्य परद्रव्यहरस्य च ॥

Kuto nidra daridrasya parapreshyakarasya cha
Paranariprasaktasya paradravyaharasya cha

How can there be sleep for a poor man, one who is someone’s attendant,
one having an affair with someone else’s woman and who steals other’s money.

धिक् तस्य जन्म यः पित्रा लोके विज्ञायते नरः ।
यत् पुत्रात् ख्यातिमभ्येति तस्य जन्म सुजन्मनः ॥ ९४

Dhik tasya janma yah pitra loke vijnayate narah
Yat putran khyatimabhyeti tasya janma sujanmanah

Look down on a person who is born to a person of fame. Praiseworthy
is that birth when the person’s father attains fame because of him.

दानं प्रियवाक्सहितं ज्ञानमगर्वं क्षमान्वितं शौर्यम् ।
वित्तं त्यागनियुक्तं दुर्लभमेतच्चततुशतुष्टयम् लोके ॥ ९५

Danam priyavaksahitam jnanamgarvam kshamanvitam shauryam
Vittam tyaganiyuktam durlabhametacchatushtayam loke

Charity with sweet words, knowledge without arrogance, courage with
compassion, money with sacrifice are four values rare in this world

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