Monday, 25 February 2019

नरपतिहितकर्ता द्वेष्यतां याति लोके जनपदहितकर्ता त्यज्यते पार्थिवेन ।
इति महति विरोधे विद्यामाने समाने नृपतिजनपदानां दुर्लभः कार्यकर्ता ॥ १४१

Narapatihitakartam dveshyatam yati loke janapadahitakrta tyajyante parthivena
Iti mahati virodhe vidyamane samane nrupatijanapadanam durlabhah karyakarta

A person who works for benefit of the ruler is disliked by people. One who works for the welfare of the people is disliked by the ruler. It is difficult to find a person who can work for the benefit of both.
उभाभ्यामेव पक्षाभ्यां शथा खे पक्षीणां गतिः ।
तथैव ज्ञानकर्मभ्यां जायते परमं पदम् ॥ १४२

Ubhabhyameva pakshabhyam shatha khe pakshinam gatih
Tathaiva jnanakarmavhyam jayate paramam padam

Just as a bird flies high with the help of its two wings, so does one attain the
Supreme state of reality with the help of knowledge and performance of prescribed duties.

सर्वनाशे समुत्पन्ने ह्यर्धं त्यजति पण्डितः ।
अर्धेन कुरुते कार्यं सर्वनाशो हि दुःसहः ॥ १४३

Sarvanashe samutpanne hyardham tyajati panditah
Ardhena kurute karyam sarvanasho hi durlabhah

When everything is likely to get destroyed, the wise one  gives up halfway. One can manage with half of what one has, but very difficult to withstand total loss.

वैद्यराज नमःतुभ्यं यमराजसहोदर ।
यमः तु हरति प्राणं वैद्यराजः धनानि च ॥ १४४

Vaidyaraja namahtubhayam yamarajasahodara
Yamah tu harati pranam vaidyarajah Dhanani cha

I salute you, doctor. Brother of Yama, the king of death.
Yama takes away life, but the doctor takes money too.

स्थानस्थितस्य पद्मस्य मित्रे वरुणभस्करौ ।
स्थानच्युतस्य तस्यैव क्लेदशोषणकारकौ ॥ १४५

Sthanasthitasya padmasya mitre varunabhaskaro
Sthanachyutasya tasyaiva kledshoshanakarakau

Rain and the Sun are friendly with the lotus standing in its own place. However, they cause soaking and drying respectively to the same lotus
if it is divested of its place.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

पर वाच्येषु निपुणः सर्वो भवति सर्वदा ।
आत्मवाच्यं न जानीते जानन्नपि च मुह्यति ॥ १३६

Para vachyeshu nipunah sarvo bhavati sarvada
Atmavachyam na janite janannapi cha muhyati

Everyone is an expert in finding out faults\shortcomings of another person. One either does not know one's own faults or even after knowing prefers to keep quiet about it.  

अप्रकटीकृतशक्तिः शक्तोऽपि जनस्तिरस्क्रियां लभते ।
निवसन्नन्तर्दारुणि लङ्घ्यो वह्निर्न तु ज्वलितः ॥ १३७

Aprakatikrutashaktih shakto api janastiraskriyam labhate
Nivasannantardaruni langhyo vahnirna tu jvalitah

Might and strength of a powerful person is ignored if he does not reveal it. Nobody is bothered about energy that is stored in the log of wood. But when the same log of wood is aflame, everyone takes note of it.

विरलाः जानन्ति गुणान् विरलाः कुर्वन्ति निर्धने स्नेहम् ।
विरलाः परकार्यरताः परदुःखेनापि दुखिताः विरलाः ॥ १३८

Viralah jananti gunan viralah kurvanti nirdhane sneham
Viralah parakaryatah paradukhenapi dukhitah viralah

Very few appreciate good qualities in others or make friends with the poor; fewer still help others and those who are saddened by suffering of others are ever rarer.

कार्यमण्वपि काले तु कृतेत्युपकारताम् ।
महदप्युपकारोऽपि रिक्ततामेत्यकालतः ॥ १३९

Karyamanvapi kale tu krutetyupakaratam
Mahadapyukaro api riktatametyakalatah

Even a small work done for somebody is very helpful if done at the proper time. But a major favour done for others when the time has passed will be in vain.

आरोप्यते शिला शैले यत्नेन महता यथा ।
पात्यते तु क्षणेनाधस्तथात्मा गुणदोषयोः ॥ १४०

Aropyate shila shaile yatnena mahata yatha
Patyate tu kshanenadhastathatma gunadoshayoh

It is difficult to lift a rock to the peak of a hill but it's very easy to roll it down in a second. Similarly, it is difficult task to induce noble thoughts in person's mind but very easy to induce bad habits in him.  

Saturday, 23 February 2019

आचाराल्लभते ह्यायुः आचारादीप्सिताः  प्रजाः ।
आचाराद्धनमक्षय्यं आचारो हन्त्यलक्षणम् ॥ १३१

Acharallabhate hyayuh acharadeepsitah prajnah |
acharaddhanamakshyyam acharo hantyalakshanam ||

Righteous behavior gives long life, desired progeny,
Never diminishing wealth Good conduct also destroys other defects.

नारीकेलसमाकारा दृश्यन्तेपि हि सज्जनाः ।
अन्ये बदरिकाकारा बहिरेव मनोहराः ॥ १३२

Narikelasamakara drushyanti hi sajjanah

Anye badarikakara bahireva manoharah

Good people are like coconuts-Harsh from outside but very soft and sweet from inside. In contrast the bad ones are like berries - only soft from outside, but hard inside!

सुखं शेते सत्यवक्ता सुखं शेते मितव्ययी ।
हितभुक् मितभुक् चैव तथैव विजितोन्द्रियः ॥ १३३

Sukham shete satyavakta sukham shete mitavyayi
Hitabhuk mitabhuk chaiva tathaiva vijitondriyah

The one who speaks truth, one who spends less, one who eats nutritional food in limited quantity and the one who has conquered the senses, gets peaceful sleep.

दूरस्थाः पर्वताः रम्याः वेश्याः च मुखमण्डने ।
युध्यस्य तु कथा रम्या त्रीणि रम्याणि दूरतः ॥ १३४

Doorasthah parvatah ranyah veshyah cha mukhamandane
Yudhyasya tu katha ramya trini ramyani duratah

Mountains look very spectacular from distance. Prostitutes look very beautiful when they make-up. War stories are very interesting. All these three things are interesting from distance (Better be away from them)

यथा हि पथिकः कश्चित् छायामाश्रित्य तिष्ठति ।
विश्रम्य च पुनर्गच्छेत् तद्वद् भूतसमागमाः ॥ १३५

Yatha hi pathikah kashchit chayamashritya tishtati
Vishramya cha punargachchet tadvad bhutasamagamah

As a traveler remains under a shade and having refreshed himself goes on his journey, similar is the company of living beings, short and not forever.

Friday, 22 February 2019

अरौ अपि उचितं कार्यमातिथ्यं गृहमागते ।

छेत्तुः पार्श्वमागतां छायां न उपसंहरते  द्रुमः ॥ १२६

Arau api uchitam karyamatibhyam gruhamagate
Chetuh parshvamagatam chayaam na upasamharate drumah

Treat even the enemy who has come to you as a guest. A tree does not deny its shadow even to the person who has come to cut it.

दीर्घा वै जाग्रतो रात्रिः दीर्घ श्रान्तस्य योजनम् ।

दीर्घो बालानां संसारः सद्धर्मं अविजानताम् ॥ १२७

Dirgha vai jayato ratrih dirgha shrantasya yojanam
Dirgha balanam samsarah saddharma avijanatam 

Night appears very long to the one who is awake all through the night and the short distance of a yojana appears very long to the one who is tired. Similarly, life appears long to small minded people who do not know what true dharma is.  

अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानांजन शलाकया ।

चक्षुरुन्मिलितं येन तस्मै गुरुवे नमः ॥ १२८

Ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana shalakaya
Chakshurunmilitam yena tasmai gurave namah

Obeisance to the guru who, by applying with a stick the ointment of knowledge (jnananjana) opens the eyes of a person blinded by the darkness of ignorance

अपराध सहस्राणि क्रियन्तेऽहर्निशं मया
दासोऽयं इति मां मत्वा क्षमस्व परमेश्वरी ॥ १२९

Aparadha sahsrani kriyante aharnisham maya
Daso ayam iti mam matva kshamasva parameshvari

A thousand mistakes are made by me day and night. Please realise that I am your slave and forgive me, O Goddess!

सेवकः स्वामिनं द्वेष्टी कृपणं परूषाक्षरम् ।
आत्मानं किं स न द्रेष्टि सेव्यासेवयं न वेत्ति यः ॥ १३०

Sevakah svaminam dveshti krupanam parushaksharam
Atmanam kim sa na dreshti sevyasevayam na veti yah

A servant hates his master if the master is a miser and rough in talking. Why does he not hate himself? Because he cannot judge who is worthy of serving and who is not.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

अल्पानामपि वस्तूनां संहतिः कार्यसाधिका ।

तृणैर्गुणत्वमान्नैर बध्यन्ते मत्तदन्तिनः ॥ १२

Alpanapi vastunam samhatih karyasadhika

Trunairgunatvamannaira badhyante mattadantinah १२

Even insignificant items or things, when put together, can accomplish great tasks. A rope made up of hay sticks, for instance, can bind and control a powerful elephant.

अक्षरद्वयमभ्यस्तं  नास्ति नास्तीति यत् पुरा ।

तदिदं देहि देहीति विपरीतमुपस्थितम् ॥  १२३

Aksharadvayamabhyastam nasti nastiti yat pura

tadidam dehi dehiti viparitamupasthitam 
A person used to saying ‘No’, No’ when he is comfortable,
Will face a situation when he will say ‘Give’, ‘Give’

आदानस्य प्रदानस्य कर्तव्यस्य च कर्मणः ।

क्षिपं अकियमाणस्य कालः पिबति तद्रसम् ॥ १२४

Adanasya pradanasya kartavyasya cha karmanah

Kshipam akiyamanasya kalah pibati tadrasam

Whatever you have to pay back to others or whichever task has to be done by you, please do it in the expected time and without delay. Or the essence of that work vanishes.

ये केचिद् दुःखिता लोके सर्वे ते स्वसुखेच्छया ।

ये केचिद् सुखिता लोके सर्वे तेऽन्यसुखेच्छेया ॥ १२५

Ye kechit dukhitva loke sarve te svasukhechchaya

Ye kechit sukhita loke sarve te anyasukhechchaya

Those who are unhappy in this world are so because of desire for their own happiness. While those who are happy in this world are so because of desire to render others happy.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

यादृशौः सन्निविशते यादृशांश्चोपसेवते ।

यादृगिच्छेच्च भवितुं तादृग्भवति पुरुषः ॥  ११६

Yadrushauh sannivashate yadrushamshopasevate
Yadrugichcheccha bhavitum tadrugbhavati purushah

One becomes like those with whom one co-habits,
whom one serves and whom one imitates.

मनसा चिन्तितं कार्यं वचसा न प्रकाशयेत् ।

अन्यलक्षितकार्यस्य यतः सिद्धिर्नजायते ।। ११७

Manasa chintitam karyam vachasa na prakashayet
Anyalakshitakaryasya yatah siddhirnajayate ।।

Do not publicise the work you are thinking of doing
Work which comes to others notice will not succeed.

अज्ञः सुखं आराध्यः सुखतरं आराध्यते विशेषज्ञः । 

ज्ञानलवदुर्विदग्धं ब्रह्मा अपि नरं न रंजयति ॥  ११८

It is easy to convince an uneducated person; it is easier to convince an expert. But even God cannot convince a person who has developed false pride by virtue of half-knowledge

ज्ञानलवदुर्विदग्धं ब्रह्मा अपि नरं न रंजयति ॥ ११९

Ajnah sukham aradhya sukhataram aradhyate visheshajnah  
Jnanalavadurvidgadham brahma api naram na ranjayati

It is easy to convince an uneducated person; it is easier to convince an expert. But even God cannot convince a person who has developed false pride by virtue of half-knowledge

श्रेयश्च प्रेयश्च मनुष्यमेतः तौ सम्परीत्य विवनक्ति धीरः ।

श्रेयो हि धीरोभिपेयसो वृणीते पेयो मन्दोपोगक्षेमाद् वृणीते ॥ १२०

Shreyashcha preyashcha manushyametah tau samritya vivanakti dhirah
Shreyo hi dhirobhipeyaso vrunite peyo mandopogakshemad vrunite

The good and the pleasant together approach the human being. After pondering over them, the wise   choose opting for the good in preference to the pleasant. The fool, in contrast, opts for the pleasant.