Friday, 15 February 2019

गुणैः सर्वज्ञतुल्योऽपि सीदत्येको निराशयाः ।
अनर्घ्यमपि माणिक्यं हेमाश्रयमपेक्षते ॥ ९६

Gunaih sarvajnatulyo api seedatyeko nirashayah |

Anarghyamapi manikyam hemashrayamapekshate ||

Even with qualities equivalent to the all-knowing, people lamguish without patronage.Even a precious gem needs to be studded in gold to shine.

वनानि दहतो वह्ने सखा भवति मारुतः।
स एव दीपनाशाय कृशे कस्यस्ति सुहृदम्॥ ९७

vanani dahato vahne sakha bhavati marutaḥ |
sa eva deepanashaya krushe kasyasti suhrudam ||

When fires destroy forests, the wind is there to assist it.
The same wind extinguishes a small lamp. Where are the friends for the weak?

विद्या विवादाय धनं मदाय शक्तिः परेषां परिपीडनाय ।
खलस्य साधोर्विपरीतमेतत् ज्ञानाय दानाय च रक्षणाय ॥ ९८

Vidya vivadaya dhanam madaya shaktih paresham paripeedanaya |
Khalasya sadhorvipareetametat jnanaya danaya cha rakshanaya ||

For the wicked, knowledge is for argument, money for arrogance, strength
For harassing others. For the saintly, knowledge is for wisdom, money for charity and strength to protect the weak.

नाम्भोधिरर्थितामेति सदाम्भोभिश्च पूर्यते |

आत्मा तु पात्रतां नेय: पात्रमायान्ति संपद: || ९९

nambhodhirarthitameti sadambhobhishcha puryate |
atma tu patratam neya: patramayanti sampada: ||

An ocean never begs for water, yet it is always full of water. If one makes one-self worthy, riches come to that worthy person by themselves without asking.

यदा न कुरुते भावं सर्वभूतेष्वमन्गलम् ।

समद्रुष्टेस्तदा पुंसः सर्वाः सुखमया दिशः ॥ १००

yada na kurute bhavam sarvabhuteshvamangalam |
samadrushtestada pumsah sarvah sukhamaya dishah ||

When a man does not harbour any bad thoughts about any creature, to such a man of uniform outlook towards all, happiness is there all around;

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