मनो मधुकरो मेघो मद्यपो मत्कुणो मरुत् ।
मा मदो मर्कटो मत्स्यो मकारा दश चंचलाः ॥ ८१
मा मदो मर्कटो मत्स्यो मकारा दश चंचलाः ॥ ८१
mano madhukaro megho madyapo matkuṇo marut ।
ma mado markaṭo matsyo makara dasa chanchalaḥ ॥
The mind, the bee, the cloud, the drunkard, the bed bug, the wind,
wealth, pride, the monkey and the fish are the ten things starting with
the letter “ma” that are always unsteady.
रूपयौवन्सम्पन्नाः विशालकुल सम्भवा: ।
विद्याहीना न शोभन्ते निर्गन्धाः किंशुकाः
इव ॥ ८२
vishalakula sambhavah |
VidyahIna na
shobhante nirghanda kimshuka iva ||
A person with good
looks and youth born in an illustrious family
Will not shine if
he is illiterate just like the Kimshuka flower though good looking is
without fragrance.
कार्यार्थी भजते लोकः यावत्कार्यं न
सिध्यति । ८३
उत्तीर्णे च परे पारे नौकाया किं
प्रयोजनम् ॥
Karyarthi bhajate
lokah yavatkaryam na sidhyati |
utthIrnam cha pare
pare naukaya kim prayojanam ||
The world keeps praising the worker as
long as the work is yet to be finished.
Once you reach the other shore, what
is the use of the boat?
मैथुनानि च सामान्यमेतत् पशुभिर्नराणाम् ।
ज्ञानं नरेणामधिको
विशेषो ज्ञानेन हीना: पशुभि: समाना: ।। ८४
Aharanidrabhaya maithunani cha samanyetat pashubhirnaranam l
Jnaanam narenamadhiko vishesho jnanena hInah pashubhirsamanaha ll
Jnaanam narenamadhiko vishesho jnanena hInah pashubhirsamanaha ll
Food, sleep, fear and
sex are common among animals and humans.
Knowledge is prevalent
among humans, one who is without knowledge is equivalent to an animal.
आत्मनो मुखदोषेण
बध्यन्ते शुकसारिका: ।
बकास्तत्र न
बध्यन्ते मौनं सर्वार्थसाधनम् ॥ ८५
Atmano mukhadoshena badhyante shukasarikah |
Bakastatra na badhyante maunam sarvarthasadhanam ||
Parrots and sarikas(talking birds) get caught because of
their loud mouths.
Crane does not get caught, silence is the instrument to
achieve all ends.
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